Chapter 10: Outside the Box

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Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 2080 RC

"Dane Zhoran, you are being transferred to Nightingale Orphanage."

"Look, a portal! Where do you want to go, Dane?"

"You can't open it now. When you need to, you'll be able to. You will know when."

"Be a good little spy and do your duty."

My entire life had been... different. I didn't have magic like the rest of the people in the realm. I had portals, but not the inborn magic that every other person had. I never knew why. I didn't have parents. I had a last name, but it wasn't mine. I didn't like to use it. It was there just for official purposes. I was raised by foster parents for the first four years, but when something happened to them on a mission, I was shifted to the orphanage by the palace.

For most of my life, I had no choices. It was one order after the other, but I didn't hate it. I was useful to my realm. I had a purpose. The only time I wished for something else was the months I spent around the man with the box.

I had dreams all the time. A man, old enough to be my grandfather, appeared in them and told me to meet him in the Black Forest, a dark wood behind the orphanage. At first, I ignored the dreams, convincing myself that they were just DREAMS, nothing important. But they never went away, not until I finally was fed up and snuck out one night.

Outside the forest, there was the man, waiting for me, a kind smile upon his face. "Hello, Dane," He had said. "It's nice to meet you in person at last."

"WHO are you?" I whispered.

"A friend," He replied simply. "You would like one, wouldn't you?" I nodded eagerly. He held out his hand, and I took it, a little kid who had found a parent at last.

He was the one who taught me how to use my magic for the first time. In a way, he was the one who made me powerful enough to serve the Royals. More than that, he gave me freedom, and he gave me a family. He gave me a gift too, on the one birthday that I had with him. It was the last day that I saw him.

"Happy birthday, Dane!" The man was smiling and holding something in his hands. "How old are you turning today?"

"Seven! How did you know it was my birthday?" I said happily, running up to him.

"I have my secrets," He responded, winking. "I also have a gift." I stared up at him excitedly. He handed me a small, black chest. I hurriedly tried to pull it open, but nothing happened. It was sealed shut.

"It's not opening," I complained.

"You can't open it now. When you need to, you'll be able to. You will know when."

"But I—"

"Dane," I turned around, startled by the voice. It was the lady in charge of the orphanage. In a split second, I created a portal by the man, hoping he could escape before she realized.

"What are you doing out here? What is that thing you're holding?"

"I-I-I just found it here."

"You of all kids can't have these things. The queen will have my head if she sees anything wrong with her project," She muttered, snatching the chest away from me.

After that day, I didn't live in the orphanage anymore. I lived in the palace, trained by the Royals in using my powers to the realm's advantage. I never saw the man again, nor did I ever have the chance to search for him, not until years passed.

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