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Follow/FavTwo Wolves One Imprint
By: blondie134
What happens when each imprint has two wolves not one. Dominant / Possesive Jacob and Paul OOC
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Bella, Paul - Chapters: 39 - Words: 49,455 - Reviews: 1,153 - Favs: 824 - Follows: 747 - Updated: Jan 17, 2011 - Published: Jul 10, 2010 - id: 6128313
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Thanks again for the reviews...now I know I don't say it enough but I would like to give a HUGE thanks to Jojostar for all of her amazing Betaring skills and the fact I that I wouldn't be were I am without her so...a round of applause *Waits for the clapping to stop* and I would also like to give thanks to Srorywriter101 for just been plain amazing. Also I would like to give a huge thank-you to Dargonsdeathangel Who gave me the idea for this chapter. Now I know that a lot of you don't want me to drag this story out so after this chapter I would just like to say that the story is going to pick up on its pace...so get ready.

*Seth's POV* (Yay love him)

As we walked to the porch to face the two idiots on the other side of the door, I could help but think about the fact that my little niece was having a baby...a baby how scary is that...very I tell you...very. As happy I am for her and so...excited...yeah that's the word I am looking for...I mean I just couldn't wait for the baby to arrive because lets face it if it's a boy...it will be the toughest boy around for miles...we will make sure of it but if it's a girls then it will be the most protective child out there and I can tell you that no male is going to want to touch her. I just couldn't help but be happy and I know for a fact that the others feel the same way but I know that I speak for everybody when I say that we are pissed at Paul and Jake for getting her pregnant practically straight away. So that is why we came up with this plan.

We got to the door and Embry opened the door...and we were faced with two shell shocked wolves...they were stood there whispering like school girls.

"Oh...hey guys" Paul stuttered...Yes...I said stuttered. We all started to chuckle because he was the toughest out of all of the wolves...well apart from when it came to Bella...then he is a pansy. Oh this is going to be fun.

*Paul's POV* (ahhhhh...finally)

In all of the years that I have been on this earth...I have never been this happy. The fact that my...No...Our imprint was pregnant with either Jake's or my child was so overwhelming...but in a good way. I know that it is early days but I wanted to see her round with OUR child already...my mother always said that I was an impatient child. I guess that she was right. I know that people already know that she is ours but when they see her round with our seed deep inside her growing they will never doubt it ever again and I couldn't wait. We...meaning me and Jake, had just finished patrol...how boring especially when we know that our imprint is home and all alone, well apart from her new friend and Brady and Collin's imprint...what was she called...Jodie...I think. Yea...that was it. Anyway patrol was dull there was nothing not even a whiff of fucking bloodsuckers which I know is a good thing but we just get so bored, we find our selves wanting to come across some vamps...you know, to makes it more interesting, but we had no such luck. So after patrol we were walking towards the edge of the tree line near our sweetheart's home. When our super wolf hearing kicked in and we could hear the laugher of not only our imprint but six other people...who we knew it would just have to be our Pack brothers, Great. If they were here then they obviously knew about the baby. I mean all we wanted to do was curl up in bed after having amazing sex with our imprint but no...God had other plans.

"Do, we dare go in there?" Jake whispered to me as we walked down the porch.

I shook my head. "No, but we have to face them eventually don't we, now". I say trying to convince both him and me. He nodded sadly.

"But luck on the bright side if this goes well, then we might get lucky tonight, so shut it" I say snapping as my own fear started to rise.

"Fine, but if I get killed...then I am coming back and haunting your sorry arse for a very long...long time" He said just as snappy. I nod my head. I was about to come back with a good retort but got cut off by the door swinging open to reveal six very angry Pack Brothers.

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