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We were going to Sam and Emily's at three to meet Kim so we had some time to kill so we decided to talk about stuff we do and don't like .After a while I decided to ask the question that had been burning into my mind for the past hour.

"Guys I have a question" I said after finally building up the courage to ask the dam question. They both stopped talking and looked at me.

"Anything sweetheart" Paul said.

I took a breath. "Before you said something about marking me" I asked slowly my breath shaking slightly.

"Yes" Jacob replied.

"What exactly did you mean by that."

"Well you see They are a few ways but first we have to bite you on the neck to, One show our dominance and two to mark you with our sent to show other wolves and blood-suckers that you are ours" Paul explained to me. I swallowed hard .

"So when exactly is this going to happen". They looked at each other and nodded.

"Now" they both replied at the same time.

"Why so soon"

"We need to show the pack that you belong to us and only us". I tired to think of reasons against this idea and doing it now but my body just wanted to feel them both, So I nodded.

"Ok is it going to hurt" I asked in a small voice.

"No don't worry it will hurt for a second , just a second and then you will just feel pleasure". Jacob said.

"You are just going to have to be still for a minute , Angel" Paul said.

So I sat there still as ever. I felt there hot breaths on my either side of my neck sending shivers up and down my spine. They started to kiss there way up my neck until they found the spot they wanted. With a gasp I felt there sharp teeth bite there way into my neck . I groaned in pain but that was quickly forgotten when pleasure started racing all over my body causing me to moan. I started to squirm under the intense feelings I was receiving. Causing them both to moan and growl along with me.

After a few minutes their mouths were removed from my neck and I started to breath normally again. I looked at their faces only to see them staring at my new bite marks smugly.

"Told you it would be good and now every one will know that you are ours and no one else's" Jacob stated cockily . Paul grinning in agreement.

"Ok fine that was amazing" . They both started to laugh

"Good to know because that will be happening a lot, OK "Paul said .

"Got it Angel" Jacob asked me. Looking deep into my eyes making my heart swoon all I could do was nod my head dumbly.

Ring, Ring, my phone started to vibrate. I walked over to the phone and checked the caller ID. The name flashed up on the screen was. David. One of my old friends from Phoenix, when I lived there with my mother and step-father ,Phil. I grabbed the phone and walked into the kitchen to take the call .I put the phone to my ear and heard a deep "Hi Bella" that could only belong to my old friend, but before I could even reply it was ripped out of my hand and placed on the counter.

The look on there faces said it all as they both looked about ready climb into the phone and kill David if that was even possible. They were both shaking rapidly. I used my first instinct and hugged my body close to both of theirs. Almost instantly they stopped shaking.

"Isabella what do you get about no males" Paul growled out at me.

"What are you serious, he is no were near me and you can trust him we have being friends for years" I tried to defend myself from what I don't know but it was worth the try.

"We know he can't touch you but we can get easily threatened and plus we don't trust him" Jacob explained.

I sighed maybe this possessive thing was going to be harder than I thought.

"Ok I understand" I looked at the clock and said "Maybe we should get going its nearly three O'clock". They both sighed "Fine" They both complained.

I finally got out of there arms five minutes later . We made our way down to the Tuck and all climbed in . Jacob was driving and I was pulled on to Paul's lap were his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist as if I was going to disappeared at any given moment.

Soon enough we were driving down the old beaten path that leaded down to Sam and Emily's cottage. When we parked outside there house Paul started to kiss my neck I started to moan causing him and Jacob to groan. Soon enough Jacob's lips were attached to the other side of my neck.

"Guys...guys we need to stop" I struggled to say through my short breaths.

"One minute we need to mark you with our sent". Jacob said through kisses.


"Yes always" Paul explained.

After a few minutes they stopped and we left the truck hand in hand walking towards the door of the cottage.

I know it's not long enough but I will try to upload again tonight. I also know that the first few chapters don't have a lot of action but it will pick up I promise.

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