Happily ever after

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Phupha’s Pov.

I was dashing as fast as possible. Millions of disturbing and horrible thoughts and assumptions cross my mind. I took a pause from running, and tried to steady my heavy breathing. A tight feeling in my chest was making it hard for me to breathe. 

Where is he at? Is he okay? What if someone kidnapped him? What if he died? The thoughts kept getting worse. I wiped my eyes, on the verge of crying in desperation. 

Why don’t you go to Nam’s clinic office? I heard a voice inside my head. Something. Someone was telling me to go to his clinic. But why? Without further questioning, I listened to my tuition and went straight to Nam. 

After about 10 minutes speed walking, which honestly felt like an eternity to me. An eternity of not knowing where my love is at. My babe. My other half. The one that I can’t live without. 

Reaching the entrance door and entering, my heart shattered at the sight of Tian unconscious on the bed. I rushed to Tian’s side. “TIAN?!” My eyes grew wide, feeling my world crashing down.

“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!” I roared at Nam.

The nurse was taking vitals and Nam was stopping the bleeding on CUTS??!! Are those what I’m think they are? Did Tian try to committ suicide? I was getting in between them, feeling my patience running low. 

“NAM! IS HE OKAY?! Is the baby okay?” I asked, a sob escaping. 

“Phupha, let us save him first! Move out of the way!” He exploded. I was shocked. Nam has never yelled. He has always been cool and calm. This must be really serious. 

Watching Nam trying his best stopping the bleeding, “Shit!” He cursed under his breath, as something fell on the floor. He was shaking nervously and uncontrollably. What have I done? This is all of my fault. I wasn’t there when Tian needed me. I’m not a good enough boyfriend. I’m useless! Tears streamed down my face. 

A while later. Nam’s Pov. 

Tying the few bandages on his arm, I ran my forearm to get rid of the sweat on my forehead. “There. He’s stable now. The baby is fine as well.” I smiled warmly as I went over to Phupha who looked distressed with puffy, red eyes. 

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder in comfort. “What happened? Why did he self-harm?” He sobbed, breaking down in my hug. We were in a hug for a second before parting. “I don’t know but I found him unconscious in the forest, bleeding out alive.”

“And is he okay?” His voice trembled.

“Yes. He’s just sleeping for now.” 

“This my fault!” Phupha dropped to the ground and put his down between his knees, crying his eyes out. 

Later that day. Morning time in the classroom. Yod’s Pov. 

The kids were starting to arrive, one by one. They were all running around the classroom, bumping into corners as they laughed hysterically. 

“Kids, take a seat.” I called them to take their place. 

“We’ll take over the class for today.” Rang said.

“Where’s Tian?” Inta questioned curiously. 

“Is he going to be away for a long time again?” Ayi asked.

“No. He is actually at Nam’s clinic-” I was interrupted by Khaoneung.

“What happened? Is he okay?”

“From what I know, he was found unconscious. He self-” I was interrupted by Rang. 

“Do you think its good for the kids to know?” He wondered. 

“Yes. Kids-” he paused for a second, looking at each one of their faces. “Tian has self harmed, from what I heard.” He broke the news to them, which they all gasped in unison, except Meejoo.

“What’s self-harm?” Meejoo innocently questioned, confused. 

“Can we go visit him now?” Kalae asked.

“I’m sorry but you have classes.” 

“You know, we could all go after school, how does that sound like?”

“Yeah” they agreed all together. 

3rd person Pov.

Tian, still unconscious, was surrounded by the kids, Nam, and Phupha. “Why is he taking so long to wake up?” Ayi questioned, keeping his eyes on the lifeless-like body of Tian. 

“When is he going to wake up?” Meejoo asked, “What’s self harm?” She innocently asked again. Everyone kept quiet after her question, not wanting to tell her the truth. 

Everyone heard a groan of pain coming from Tian. Tian slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. 

All of the kids rushed up to him and were hovering over him, and hugging him. “TIAN!” They exclaimed happily. They ran up to him, hugging him and tugging him, showering him with affection.

“Hey! Hey, calm down! I’m all sore.” Tian weakly smiled, wincing in pain. They all back up, apologizing. Nam came in an instant after he woke up. 

“Oh Tian, you woke up.” He rushed up to Tian to take vitals and asked how he was feeling.

“So Tian, you’re in good condition including your baby.” Nam said, which shook everyone in confusion and excitement.

“What? Tian, you’re pregnant?!” They all exclaimed in unison. Nam sighed, rubbing the back of his head ashamed of outing the secret.

Tian looked up at Phupha, who nodded. “Yeah, I’m six months pregnant.” 

“Is it a girl or a boy?” Meejoo asked.

“It should be a boy.” Ayi responded.

“No. That’s not fair. It should be a girl.” Inta argued back.

“No matter the gender it is, what really matters is if it's healthy.” Phupha butted in, everyone agreeing with him. 

Later that evening. Tian’s pov.

Chief was seated in a chair beside me, which I was laying down. “Tian?” He gently caressed my hand, “why did you self harm? Did you try to commit suicide? Is this all my fault?” He broke down on the last question.

I was about to answer his questions when he interrupted me, “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. My life would mean nothing to me. Tian, you’re the love of my life. I love you and our child.” He said which took me aback.

“You don’t hate me for getting pregnant?” I asked confused. His eyes widened, tears trickling down his cheeks.

“Don’t ever ask that again. Of course not, I was just mad that you didn’t have the courage to tell me such great news.” I broke down at his sweet words. In an instant, I felt him bring me into his warm embrace. We stayed like that for the rest of the night, falling asleep in each other’s arms.

4 months later. Tian’s Pov.

Life has been hectic. I gave birth to a beautiful young little girl named Beam, meaning ray of light. She is our ray of light that gives joy in our lives. She is quiet, not one to cry a lot. Although, chief is busy with his work, he still comes home to help me out. Of course he has his bad days, but I know that he is there to help me. The kids love helping me feed her and play with her. Basically, the whole village helps me. It is our pride and joy. She is truly loved. 

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