1. confessions

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"I warned you to not fucking get too close to me, and now you're in love with me? You have a partner, for fuck's sake. Why the.. why the hell.. don't you fucking.. god.." A strained, throaty voice could be heard from inside a room.

Bakugo was sitting on his bed, one hand on his forehead and the other with a phone in it. He kept his eyes shut while his breathing was unsteady. He was sweating from the anxiety, and tears were welling in his eyes.

His friend fell in love with him. A dear friend he held close to his heart fell in love with him after getting through all of his walls. A friend who stayed through thick and thin, and one he can't get rid off. They were like Kirishima, but they got closer than he ever did. They were someone so special to him, even though he didn't want them in his life initially. His friend fell in love with him...

But they can't be together. (y/n) already had a partner.

"Are you a FUCKING IDIOT???" He finally raised his voice, growling as he stood. He didn't care if he could be heard throughout the dorm, this dumbass needed to hear a piece of his mind! "What about (p/n)?! You're still in love with them! You're still with them! Then you're going to tell me you love me, and you want to be with me!?" While he yelled, tears were already falling. This was too much for him to handle. He was strong, he was brave, but he had no fucking idea what to do in this situation.

"You can't be this stupid!! You know this shit won't work! You know we can't fucking be together, you know! YOU KNOW!" He growled, gritting his teeth. He was angry. Angry. Angry. Angry.

He loved his friend too. He only realized this after they told him.

Sobs could be heard from the other end of the phone. "Katsuki, please. Just.. just calm down. It's.. yeah I do love you. The way I love you.. oh god it's so different from anything I've ever felt. I don't even feel like this fo--" "For (p/n)? You're really gonna tell me you don't feel this love for your partner?" His voice cracked, he was starting to lose his strength.

He was never loved this much by anyone before.. But to be loved in this way? While the person is already with someone? While he, too, loves this person? Anger was running through his veins right now. Tears continued to fall. He couldn't stand this. The situation.. it.. it was too much for him to handle.

"I.. I don't. I really don't. Just for you. Please I.."
"I can't."

And he ended the call.

He tossed his phone onto his bed and plopped down. He covered his eyes with his arm, lips quivering while his teeth were grit together. He angrily wiped his tears away and walked to his balcony, letting out a shaky sigh while he stared at the clear night sky.

Stars.. They were pretty. Whenever you needed to contemplate, you could just look up.

Unfortunately, he couldn't look at the stars without feeling a pang in his chest. He remembers his friend. The friend he fell in love with, the friend who loves him as well. They'd stargaze together from time to time.. and then..

"Ah.. fucking hell.." He sobbed, taking his head in his hands. "Why..? Why did it have to be them? Why did this have to happen? God, this shit is so fucking unfair.."

Time passed. He stopped crying. Who knows how many minutes he's been sobbing like a baby? His eyes were puffy while he listened to the wind rustle through the leaves. He watched the stars twinkle. It was probably midnight already. Maybe 30 minutes have passed. He usually sleeps early, but he couldn't tonight since his friend kept him up with a call that ended with a confession of their feelings.

He figured they've been spamming him while he was gone.

He went back inside, hands in his pockets while he sighed. He was right, his phone was being spammed with texts based on the continuous vibrations. He eventually took it and read the messages.

"It's true. Everything I've said. You.. I can't lose you. I just can't. I know you probably hate me now, but I wasn't lying when I said I love you more than anything in this world.. more than anyone."
"I know I'm disgusting. Go ahead, call me names. Yell at me. I accept it all. I just cannot handle life without you. Katsuki, I really do love you."
"And I'm sorry for loving you. I know I brought you so much pain."

He couldn't bring himself to reply. He was full of anger again. What was he angry at though..? His friend? The situation? Himself? His friend.. for loving him? The situation.. for not permitting them to be together? Himself...

Himself.. for falling as well?

"(y/n), we can't be together. I don't accept your feelings."

That was his final reply for the night, before he shut off his phone and decided to sleep.





decided to make my one-shot thing into a full blown series. hope you stick around until i manage to finish it

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