Chapter 6- Your fault Willows POV

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Once we have gotten on the boat Mimi shouted, "Hello? Is anybody here?" I was also looking around and was hiding my worried face because of what happened back there.

"They gotta be here, they just drove the ship." Mimi said confused. Then a voice out of nowhere said,

"Who goes there!?" There was someone walking on top of something and jumped in front of us. She was some kind of bird who had a hand that was normal and the other one that was a hook sort of. She was green and had a black hat with red feathers behind it. "Avast ye filthy landlubbers! My name is Captain Budgey, captain of the Medora! Were you the ones who lit the lighthouse?" She said.

"That would be us." Pony answered. "But, we need your help."

"Blimey! You board MY ship and asked ME for help? This isn't a charity!" Said Captain Bugdey. "We don't have much time to waste. We need to get across the North Sea and fast." I said.

"Sink me! Across the sea? On the Medora? You have lost your minds! We aren't going anywhere. I used what fuel left to dock here." Said Captain Budgey. "And why do you have pillows on you?"

I looked at myself and started getting annoyed and answered, "It's a long story."

"I wish I could be saying it right now..."

"Oh, shut up!!" I turned around to see who said that, I looked down and I saw George standing there. His eyes were widen and then he made a concerned face, "Uh, are you okay Willow? Because I didn't even say anything..." His tone was getting kind of mad, but also confused, I started sweating and was embarrassed because I said that in front of everyone. "Erm, sorry about that I thought someone else said something..." I turned around removing my sweat. Pretending nothing just happened.

"Don't you have any spare fuel?" Said Pony, when I looked at him his face was also confused of what I have said to George. What is going on with me!??

"Aye, but it's not possible to get to it." She said.

"Why would that be?" Mimi questioned.

"Ever since Davy Jones cursed the world, my hearties weighed the anchor and left the sea. Then, we found out that one of them had Davy's sickness." She said. "One by one they fell, I had no choice but to seal them in the lower levels of the ship. To this day, the ship remains sealed along side the fuel reserves." She said sadly.

"Alright, let me go down and get the fuel for you." I said, "Then, you'll take us across the sea."

"Blimey, your not serious! The crew will tear you apart. You cannot go alone." She said.

"You really think I fear the infected? If they saw what I can do to them they fear me." I said really confident. Then I heard laughing,

"Oh, yeah. Those are just straight facts!" That voice said. "You should've seen what she did to me before all of this even happened!!" That voice was getting darker and more angry when they said that. But, they almost sound familiar.

"Aye, I thought the same thing myself. But, do you want to know what they did to me?" She said.

"You lost your hand to them?" Pony questioned.

"Goodness, no! I lost this due to a swimming accident. No, I lost my crew to them." Said Captain Budgey.

"Then I'll go with you Willow." Said Pony. I didn't feel like I wanted to argue with him after what I have done.

"It's best if you don't. I may even end up mistaking you for the infected." I said.

"If we want to find that cure, then we need to work together. You're the only one who knows where it is. We need you alive." Pony said. I sighed,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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