the thing

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Aoi P.O.V

I was at the demon slayer headquarters, at 6 a.m, the meeting actually starts at 7 .pm but I'm always here so early. I'm just walking around, watching birds from the window and more, watering the plants and more. But Inosuke was here too but I didn't know, I was walking past the cabinets suddenly Inosuke jumped out by a cabinet.

,,I'm so glad that you're healthy again!" He smiled and kissed me maybe for a minute.

,,mhm Inosuke! We're in the demon slayer headquarters! And if Shinobu catch us, I'm dead!" I said.

,,but it's 6 a.m no one's here" he said and touched me on my breast.

,,stop doing that! I know what are you gonna do!" I blushed.

,,come on, please" he begged.

,,until it's 7 a.m" I nodded.

He quickly pushed me into the cabinet and closed the cabinet, we started kissing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands were on my breast. Suddenly I felt his tongue in my mouth. I knew exactly what he want to do, he wants to make me hot and than starting something more intensive. We're dating for 1 month and no one knows, I don't know why we don't let this no one know but it's okay. He started kissing me on the neck what makes me moaning, I hope no one's here, I'm sure he will leave hickey and they won't be hidden, everyone will see it...


Thirty minutes passed and were still in the cabinet, making out, and it really getting hot.

,,it's so hot" I was sweating and breathing heavily.

,,that was just the beginning!" He smiled dirty.

He started pulling on my clothes, pulling myself to him, we started kissing again. I felt his hands going under my shirt and under my bra. I was breathing heavily and sweating, it was so hot in here, we both were sweating so much, as would we ran a marathon. I was getting hotter and more eager, I got really intensive sexual feeling. The cabinet was getting wetter because we were sweating so much.

,,I'm ready! I want you inside of me" I moaned.

He started pulling on my clothes again but suddenly we heard someone walking around, we quickly went quiet. I was kinda sad because we stopped, we were in the middle of the best part of this. We noticed it was Zenitsu, if he would see us, he would scream. As he went to somewhere, we went out of the locker, I was still breathing heavily and sweating.

,,we can do it again, maybe not in the demon slayer headquarters but at home" he smiled.

I just nodded, he quickly kissed me.

,,okay, I have to go to the meeting now, love you" he smiled.

Then he left and I have to calm down. Suddenly I heard Shinobu.

,,are you okay? It looks like you still have fever" she said worried.

,,uh maybe" I stuttered, still breathing heavily.

,,you have a pretty high temperature!" She said as she touched my forehead.

,,uh I guess I have fever" I laughed nervously.

,,you should go back to the butterfly mansion" she said.

So I went back to the butterfly mansion, there's Kanao too. I was happy that she didn't saw my hickey.

,,what's wrong, why aren't you at the meeting?" I asked.

,,the meeting isn't that important for me" she answered.

Meanwhile I calmed down. And I spent time with Kanao and the triplets. But Kanao noticed my hickey.

,,what's that on your neck?" She asked.

,,oh I just got hurt on my neck" I answered nervously.

,,but it looks like a bite" one of the triplets said.

,,n-no it's not a bite, just a bruise" I was sweating.

,,we both know it, do you want that? If not, who did this to you?" She asked seriously.

,,uh, I don't know what are you talking about" I lied.

,,you know" she said.

,,I wanted it! So calm down!" I stood up and walked away to be alone.


Meanwhile it was going to be night and Shinobu is home, I just thought where we could do it, without getting seen by anyone. I got headache and I couldn't think, I'm still scared that Shinobu could see us, I mean, I don't know how she could react. Maybe she's angry at me or she's happy, I really don't know it. I thought too much and I got a burnout and passed out.

all the dreams we have [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now