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"Because you didn't flinch."

➶ ➴↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-

SHE WAS RESTLESS, WHICH WASN'T ALL THAT SURPRISING. Ever since they had left Endovier she had been restless. Like there was this itch she couldn't quite scratch. A feeling of unease and terror she couldn't settle. 

After bathing and relaxing for the night, she had gone to bed with a swift farewell to Lillian who had brought a warm cup of tea to help soothe her.

She adored the servant.

The older woman was always attentive to her moods, especially her foul one where she wanted nothing more than to sit in a room of silence. In a way, Lillian Mays had grown on her quicker than she could have imagined. The redhead was always kind, soft spoken yet an unknown and unwilling informant. She brought news of the castle and the outside world, something Mia had clung onto with every story that was given, every piece of gossip that left the woman's mouth. No matter how small or how trivial, she had hung onto it, enjoying every word in a way she couldn't have in the mines.

After tossing and turning for the better part of the night, she got up from her bed and settled herself on a couch in her music and gaming room, eyes scanning across the book Celaena had brought for her to read earlier that day. Though she read sentence after sentence, her mind had not comprehended a word she read. By the time she had made it to the end of the page, she grew annoyed with herself for getting so distracted with her thoughts.

Snapping the book clothes, she closed her eyes with a sigh.

A part of herself had felt guilty, snapping at Chaol the way she had. Though she had been provoked, he was right. Their plan was sound and the twins shouldn't disrupt it. But Mia had always been the one to play the weak fool. The lamb that hid the wolf far beneath.

An alias she had often used was a ditzy blonde by the name Charlotte Draisten, a daughter of a merchant who knew nothing of the world. She had always played her part expertly, speaking with small words and allowing those that believe themselves to be over her to look down at her. It had been one of her best characters she portrayed, Arobynn had praised her for playing it well. When she was younger she had prided herself on it but now....

This scheme the prince and Chaol had was nothing new. Yet she was tired of it.

Tired of the games and tired of the masks. She wanted to be seen, she wanted to be heard.Though she had taken upon herself a new name, she was Miandia Sardothien. She was smart and cunning, yet none would ever know her name, none would ever know her.

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