A date!?

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Valentines is around the corner.
Everyone is getting gifts in shops and having fun times with their loved ones.
Then you have me, who is eating ice cream alone.
In my baggy, comfortable clothes... watching a romantic movie. Alone.
Until I heard a knock on my door.
Who's bothering me on this heartbreaking day?
I open the door
L:"What the..."
Yes, Revenant was at my door.
L:"Pls don't ask me to be your date because that's NEVER going to happen."
R:"Oh *chuckles* no, just checking on u. Seems u have a hard time."
He looked up and down to me
L:"Wh- I'm doing fine on my own!"
I was about to close the door but he stood against it so I couldn't close it.
L:"What do u want?"
I said while rolling my eyes.
R:"You need some company."
L:"No, I don't. Move."
R:"Just a little hang out."
R:"I don't want to beg."
L:"You should."
He got on his knees and folded his hands together
He quickly got up
R:"U just did that for fun."
R:"How dare u." *laughs sotfly*
He slowly moved in and looked around.
R:"Fancy for a girl like u. Well, I shouldn't say much. U are a thief after all."
I didn't know if I should take that as a compliment.
He looked at the TV and then at me siruesly.
R:"Really girlie? Romantic movie all by yourself?"

I rolled my eyes
L:"There's nothing else but romantic movies."
He takes the controller of the TV and switches it to a radio post
R:"Romantic music aswel."
He sits in my sofa and I sit next to him.
L:"Is there something u need ore are u going to just sit here...?"
R:"Just enjoying you suffering."
L:"Oh ha ha, u like that don't u..."
He puts the volume louder and stands up.
He pushed the table to the side.
R:"May I?"

'NAHHHH he's asking me to dance???'
L:"Uh-oh-ah- What?"
He takes my hand and pulls me up
R:"Shhhh... just dance."
L:"Don't think that I'll be-"
R:"Please, I don't want to make u shut up."
L:"Oh, what are you going to do then, huh!?"
He came closer to my face
Almost toucher my lips
R:"Do u wanne know, girlie~?"
My heart is racing like its my death.
I could tell by his eyes that he's in love.
L:"Revenant... are you in love with me?"
R:"WHAT!? No... I was just flirt- *cough* playing with u."
He twirls me around
R:"Let's just dance now."
I guess there's no escaping.
I held his hand and we slowdanced on the music.
■Revenant's POV■
I was so close...
I look at her, she has an angry face but I can feel that she's liking it.
I grab her waist and pull her a little closer.
She pushes me away
L:"What is up with u..."
L:"We are enemies and that we shall always be."
R:"Forget it."
L:"What!? The fact that u killed my parents and now acting like its nothing. Trying to kiss me!?"
R:"Yes. Forget it. It's in the past."
L:"I'll never forget what u did."
R:"That can be. But let's put aside our hate and start making way for friendship and love..."
R:"I know u liked it... and I know that u are not okay."
■Lobas POV■
How does he know...
L:"How... can u read my heart now, too?"
R:"I can feel it."
He comes closer again to me while I start to break down.
R:"I know ur pain, ur sadness..."
L:"No u don't. Ur careless.*sniff*"
R:"Why am I here then? I care about u Loba."
He grabs me softly and... hugged me.
I've never felt so safe before by someone I used to hate.
He's not that bad... perhaps... there is still a chance.
R:"It's okay to let out ur emotions. U have been hiding it for too long."
He gives the most comfortable hug I've ever had.
L:"You... hug is pretty comfortable surprising..."
R:"Talent of mine, I guess heh..."
He wipes the tears of my face and gave a slight smile.

R:"I know u said that I shouldn't be here to ask u for my date... but...."
R:"Don't think any of this. Loba. Will u be my date for tomorrow?"
I Start to cry again.
L:"It's not that *sniff* I don't care ore anything...*snifff* "Yes."
R:"Ughhh come here."
We hugged for hours and had dinner

R:"It was a fun evening."
R:"See u tomorrow, girlie. Oh yeah, before I leave."
R:"I'm...I'm sorry. For all the things I've done to u."
L:"Don't worry about it. We will fix it."
R:"Oh yeah. Ur blushing. Bye now!"
He runs away, and I was left in shame. Oops...

The next morning, I felt excited and warm inside of the thought.
I got ready, not sure what to wear I chose the dress i haven't worn in years.

'Still slay' I say in my head.

I went to the place where the party was held
Couples and friends were already dancing on the dance floor.
I go around the dance floor and sit by a table.
I try to look where Revenant is when suddenly some people looked at the stairs and went off the dance floor.
I guess he is here...
As the crowd makes a path of fear, he walks towards me.
L:"You sure do know how to take the spotlights, don't y- oh my god..."

A suit. And goddammit, he looks so sexy in it
L:"My god*nervous laugh* yes yes, you look good."
I stood up
L:"But not as good as me."
R:"Correct. You are beautiful..."
R:"Hmg...shut it..."
L:"I didn't think many would be here."
R:"A party is a party. What were u expecting."
He takes something out of his pocket
R:"Ugh... Happy valentines, Loba..."
L:"Awww you got a present for me? *laughs* You shouldn't..."
I opend the little box and it was a necklace with a red diamond.
R:"I heard u like treasures such as diamonds, so I found the rarest on for you."
L:"These are so hard to find. Thank you!"

L:"I... have to disappoint u. Please don't kill me. I didn't get anything for u. But I can still get something tomorrow."
R:"Tsh, what do I need? I don't need anything Girlie thank you.
I already got this date."
:"Atention everyone, it's romance time! Get ur partner up to the dance floor and dance together!"
R:"This is what we have been practising."
L:"We didn't do anything."
I took his hand and we went in the crowd.
R:"I don't care what the others will think. You?"
L:"I never cared about anything. That's what all my confidence is about."
One hand on my waist and the other holding my hand.
The music starts to play and we all began to dance.
It felt like we were alone, no one else here just us.
I felt free and peaceful. The music guided me like the wind guides a bird.

As he holds my close with his hands around my waist. I hide my face in his neck
R:"Don't listen to them."
He plays with my hair and looks at me.
I look at his lips and back to his eyes.
R:"I know u love me."
He twirls me around and pulls me in close.
R:"Admit it."
I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything.
L:"I...I love you."
R:"I thought ud never say."
L:"I was wrong. I love you Revenant!"
R:"I'm glad about that."
He kisses me on the cheek and I felt so warm.
R:"I will bring u home tonight."
L:"Exucse me."
He picked me up and went outside.
L:"Aren't we moving too fast."
R:"It's just a little more privacy. I could tell u were not comfortable. Enjoy your time while being carried like a princess."

He putted me down on the bed and goes on top of me.
L:"Demonio, uhm..."
He goes of me and lays next to me.
We look at each other in the eyes.
I went close to him
R:"You want more."
L:"No- it- it's just- it felt nice."
R:"Ugh just-"
He pulls me close and kisses me.
It was like I was in a dream but this

This is real...

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