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You carry on daydreaming into his illusive eyes, as he forces your arms into place.

"While in this position, you're bound to get the perfect hit!" He exclaimed while letting go of your shaking arms.

He then grabs the ball and majestically shoots it into the air with undeniable ease. In response, you rush towards it and bust it back up with all your might, hoping for it not to touch the ground.

"Wow, you're doing well! Next time, try and relax a bit!" He responds, signing a thumbs up. You find yourself exploding with happiness and devotion, while your cheeks again transcend into a bright red.

Suddenly, Coach Ukai orders all the trainees to listen up for the first "test game" which is due to happen. You hear others giggling with joy and eagerness to play, however, you are still anxious. After all, it was for the boy with gemlike eyes who helped you do that shot, without Akane you're dead to lose.

"Now, I shall put you in your teams. Team 1 is called Team Affire, and Team 2 is called Affinity.

 Once you have been assigned your team, quickly learn your players' names, and then the game with commence!" He declared with his hands on his broad hips. Akane then walks to the side benches and you see him beaming with a great smile as he cheers you on.

"You missy/lad/non binary, go to team Affire!" He commands, while scarcely looking at you.

 As you nervously shuffle towards the rest of your players at Team Affire, you instantly hope that no one on your team has some knowledge of playing Volleyball. Then, a girl appears, with short cute black hair and a short glossy fringe. Her eyes are a light caramel that's full of unmistakable emotion. "Hi! I'm Hitomi Yamamoto, are you a rookie like me?" She enquires jovially while brushing her slim fingers through her velvety hair. 

"I'm y:n/l:n, and yeah, I'm a rookie too." You answer, trying to make your hair look as luscious and as healthy as hers. She beams ecstatically and seems delighted that there is someone in common with her. And you also feel the same. You then decide to meet more of your peers, as your confidence suddenly seems to skyrocket.

 And of course, your team would fail if you didn't. Behind a huddle of boys and girls chattering, you see a small but fetching boy, handling a ball while posing in his also quite tiny hands. Your brain then clicks, and you remember who that doubtless boy is. Nishinoya!!!You find yourself uncontrollably rushing towards him, breaking through clusters of trainees and volleyballs to see him. Then, his face isn't amiss, and your fangirl/boy self shines out clearly. You can now see his sacred features as clearly as the eye can be. His sharp unmistakable jawline would be intense enough to slice like a knife. 

"Heyyy, you going to carry on staring?" Nishinoya sneered while covering his mouth.

"Uhm sorry!" You awkwardly reply, quickly turning your head with embarrassment.

 "Nah, it's chill. At least I got a hottie looking at me anyways." He smirked while he blinked cutely."

You met Akane yet?" He enquired as you curl your hair with your finger

"yeah." You respond

"Nice guy at first, huh, but stay away from him." 

You take in what he just said and grow curious about his words. Akane is such a handsome charismatic gentleman. What bad could he cause?

"How do you know him? I thought you guys popped along for today" You suspiciously ask.

"Spent elementary with the guy, gutted when I saw him here though," Nishinoya said under his breath. His eyes had become more serious and you could tell he did not wish for conversation.

Not knowing what to say next you immediately turn around and wait for the game to start. You then receive your position... Libero??? You choke at his words 

"Shouldn't Nishinoya be Libero?" You ask while looking around to see anyone other than you for the role.

"I'm not playing mate, it wouldn't be fair on the other team." 

He answered while loosening his muscles.

"Since when did you care about fairness?" Coach Ukai questioned, nudging Nishinoya on the shoulder.

"Shut up," Nishinoya replied

"Either way, you look like your good for the role. Suddenly, the whistle that signalled for the game to commence screeched through your ear and you steady into position...

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