4 1 1

Great! Your still in agonizing pain from your last injury and just agreed to meet up with a very bad-vibe guy in 4 hours. :) 

The better part of it though, is you got on "better" terms with Nishinoya, even if he is just someone you met for a few minutes. 

In the remaining time you decide to slide into your blanket and watch some NewJeans (kpop group). Their songs always cheer you up, and its probably one of the only things you share a great fond with other than volleyball.

You put your headphones on and dive into a new world of music...


Your interrupted

(xxx)xxx xxxx: cuz i-i-i-i know what you like boy, like boyyyy. 

y:n/l:n: cuz your my-y-y-y chemical hype boy, hype boyyyy.

(xxx)xxx xxxx: Wow didn't know you would recognise me just from a song lyric 😩

y:n/l:n: umm i don't actually know who you are, just so happened to be listening to that song when you texted it.

(xxx)xxx xxxx: :(, i guess it wasnt that obvious.  buttt Im ya boy Nishiiii

y:n/l:n: Oh hi! Mind if i ask where you got my number?

Yu Nishinoya: I mean the volley office did give me your number like an hour ago or smth to call you. But anything for a curious girl.

y:n/l:n: Oh heyyy! Did you enjoy the sunrise?

Yu Nishinoya: I did just get home from that quick jog to the office so yeah i saw it.

Yu Nishinoya: Now the sunset is over, im bares bored. Im probs going to just troll my mates all day. 🥱

y:n/l:n: I was planning on that, but im meeting with a friend.

Yu Nishinoya: Mannn, would your friend mind if i came? Im mega bored, even hinata is busy. Like where did he get that many friends that he's to busy to be with me

y:n/l:n: Lol, i haven't met Hinata yet. And i'm afraid my friend is a bit...shy. I think he might mind.

Yu Nishinoya: Nahhh, that is an insult. Who is she?

y:n/l:n: Akane...

Yu Nishinoya: NAHHHH, not even. How did he trick you into coming? What methods did he use?

y:n/l:n: He just wondered if I wanted to go a cafe or smth.

Yu Nishinoya: Yeah im coming

y:n/l:n: Howw?

Yu Nishinoya: Im going to be in disguise and see what he does. Im so bored I am willing to embarrass myself like this. Im going to be sort of like protection.

y:n/l:n: Thx but i dont think I need protection, its alr.

Yu Nishinoya: Think about it man. Didnt the way he message you sound a lil suspicous.

y:n/l:n: I mean, yeah but. OK, fine you can come but don't act too weird

Yu Nishinoya: YASSSSS, i mean. Yeah!!!

y:n/l:n: dont get your hopes up.

Yu Nishinoya: Ok, you can go back and listen to kpop now ;)

You put your headphones back on you head and hide under your lush inviting carpet to close your eyes and drift to sleep...

"i think it was the kawaii girl with a fringe"

"I flirted with her a bit but she doesn't have any talent"

You wake up, and quickly scan your room for the clock. Its 12, and your playlist has stopped after being on loop for so long.

You rush to your feet, yanking your headphones of your messy hair. 

You run towards your clothing rack and scavenge through piles of dress, shirts, trousers and more to find something suitable to wear. Your hands then feel something, something soft and cotton. 

Picking it up, you see a short stunning flower dress. This is perfect! But its too cold outside for it, so your brush your hands over the pile again, in shirt for a soft cardigan to match it. 

A knitted seashell pink cardigan with small buttons reaches your touch and you agressively pull it out. Now you need shoes, you turn around to your shoe rack and look for some simple white trainers and that is exactly what you find.

You change into the soft but aesthetic outfit and tie your brown silky locks into a tight bun. You're now ready!

(Note from author, btw the outfit y:n is wearing is down below!"

(Note from author, btw the outfit y:n is wearing is down below!"

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