𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"What made you think Kay wasn't going bother that nigga?" Maya asked whilst holding up a pair of maternity pants scrunching up her face. We had to go shopping for me some new clothes because my old ones are getting mad tight on me. I've also noticed I'm growing a small bump it's so cute I really be feeling myself taking videos of it and all.

Taking the pants out her hand and checking the size I responded, "Maybe because he told me he wasn't."

She lets out a laugh of disbelief, "Girl you know Kevin ass petty, especially when it comes to you talking to another nigga."

She tells me and I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

Ion know what's his obsession with me and my business.

He needs to stop now though because it's scaring the niggas.

"Girl it don't even matter because I'm done with Kay ass." I say grabbing one of the dresses off the rack and checking the size.

She sucks her teeth at me thinking I'm not for real but I am.

"Girl that's a lie y'all two so obsessed with each other till its sickening. I be wanna puke when I see y'all together." She jokes as we walked up to the counter so I can pay for my things.

"Nah I'm for real this time Maya, I've been ignoring his calls and been staying at my moms so I won't be home when he tries coming over."

It hurts me to do that but I need time to myself without him stressing me out every minute.

"Good now you can apologize to Devin and y'all two can be back on good terms." She suggested and I gave her a nasty look. One thing about me is ion like to apologize first and she knows that. Don't care if I was in the fucking wrong.

"I'm not apologizing to that nigga-"

"Solána come on stop being stubborn you did him wrong ma heart. You knew yo ass wasn't gone leave Kay alone and strung that sweet boy along." She stated helping me with my bags, "Plus he's willing to give you another chance, aren't you tired of being on and off with that toxic gappy nigga?"

"Aren't you?" I joked but she didn't find it funny.

"Sol I'm serious I know I joke around a lot and shit but I want the best for you."

"Fine Maya, but Devin doesn't deserve to be involved with what me and Kay have going on that's why I didn't call or text him since everything went down." I answered truly.

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