𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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After my phone call with Kay I was now in my daughter's room color coordinating the clothes in her closet. I just hate when all the colors are mixed together. So imma have all the pink on the left side then work my way down with each color.

My mom would say I'm showing signs of OCD but I don't even think that's the case. Also I've successfully been avoiding Nas, he even popped up to my crib but I didn't answer the door.

I just refuse to be around him.

He has no respect for me and Kay's relationship and it's showing. Hopefully he don't tell Kay because that'll mess everything up and I don't want him getting all upset.

My phone rings and I leave the closet and picks it up my phone off the edge of the rocking chair answering it.


"Come answer the door." Dougie says and I rolled my eyes.

Prolly another one of his attempts to get me out of the house. Leaving the room I take my time walking to the door.

Opening it Dougie comes in smiling widely.

"I'm not going." I said and his smiles drops as he follows me to the kitchen.

"You don't even know where we're going." He shrugged and I mugged him whilst grabbing the jar of pickles pushing it towards him to open.

"I don't wanna go I'm tired and my back hurts-"

"Mmcht you lying." He cuts me off giving me the now opened pickle jar back.

Grabbing a plate I put a pickle on it before going into the fridge and getting some ranch. Pouring it on the side of the plate I take the pickle dipping it in the ranch before taking a bite.

Dougie face scrunches up as he watches me eat it. "You nasty as fuck worda bro and you enjoying it."

"It's not me." I shrugged, "This what yo goddaughter be making me eat."

"I rather you eat ice than that, but I'm taking you to the studio to meet this rap group I been rolling with." He tells me and I glared at him.

"Why would I wanna meet them for?"

"Because you needs to get out and talk to more people instead of being shut up in house all day eating that slack shit right there." He pointed to the pickle and ranch combination on my plate. He haven't even tried it yet just judging  it by the smell.

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