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It was a cold Friday evening in the city of Manhattan, New York, snow falling from the sky and onto the busy streets. Micah was on her way home from work at the dental office after a long day, walking down the street while keeping the coat she wore wrapped tight around her body. She needed to find a taxi to take home since she lived more than a couple of blocks away. Spotting one up ahead, Micah rushed to the edge of the sidewalk and waved it down. The taxi approached and halted slowly as to not slip on the caked snow.

"Upper West Side apartments please." Micah instructed to the taxi driver, who gave a nod and started the meter as he made way up the street. At least in the taxi it was warm. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up, enjoying the snowfall from the inside of the taxi car. The heat made her relax more while riding, unable to wait to get home to greet her fiancé James. They both worked a lot and hardly were able to see each other, but they made it work. The two met four years ago when Micah was just finishing her dental hygienist classes while at the cafe on Amsterdam Avenue. James was just beginning to work at a law firm and had came in to get his usual morning coffee before going in. When he had turned to leave, James had bumped into Micah and spilled his coffee all over her scrubs. Micah, of course, was about to go in for her internship until that happened. Thankfully she hadn't lived very far at the time and was able to go home to change. James made sure she had gotten there safely and bought coffee to get her through the day. While on their way back to the apartment Micah lived in they talked and connected, wanting to see each other again sometime.

Micah sat in the cab reminiscing over those fond memories of when they'd go on dates and meet up for coffee during lunch. The two still did that but they also worked longer hours sometimes. That made it harder to see each other. The cab halted to a stop in front of Upper West Side Apartments, Micah paying the driver before getting out to walk inside the building. Once inside she headed toward the elevator and hit the up button, waiting for the doors to open and walked inside as she hit the sixth floor button. After reaching her floor, Micah got off and proceeded to walk down the quiet hallway. The snowflakes that fell on her coat earlier finally melted with the warm heat from inside the building. Reaching the door of their apartment, Micah pulled out the key and swiped it then opening the door to walk in. She shut the door and removed her coat to set it on the rack nearby, taking off her shoes to set them aside. One thing caught Micah's eye as she put her shoes away. There was a second set next to James' work loafers that indicated he had someone over.

"James? Honey are you home?" Micah called out gently as she walked into the living room, seeing no one and the tv on. She turned it off, noticing a couple beers sitting on the coffee table. "I wonder if he and his friend went to the gym downstairs..."

She picked up the bottles and stored them in the recycling bin near the pantry, making her way to the bedroom. A hot shower was something she could use at the moment. Micah untied her hair from the ponytail it stayed in all day, fluffing her almond auburn hair as she made her way down the hall. As she got closer to the bedroom she could hear something behind the doors, making her way faster and opened it to find her fiancé James in bed with, much to Micah's surprise, another man. The two were touching on each other the way Micah expected James to touch her in their bed!

"James Michael Foster what the hell are you doing?!" She shouted, stopping James and the other man to look at Micah in shock. It was like catching a kid in the act of doing something wrong and these two were caught red handed. They couldn't say anything but sit there upright in the bed, embarrassment hitting both of their faces. "Well explain yourself? Who is this and why is he in our bed?!"

James looked at Micah with shame before getting up and putting on his boxers, approaching her cautiously. His fingers ruffled his dismantled blonde hair, trying to gather his words before speaking to his angry fiancé. "Micah I—. Ugh...this isn't what you think it is..."

"It isn't?! So why am I seeing another person in our bed with you?!" Her fury rose up in her voice, trying to not break out in sobs or cry in front of James. James tried to move in to comfort Micah but she pushed him away quickly, "James just don't...I am not discriminatory against who anybody loves...but this is cheating...I can't do this...If this has been going on as long as it has...then I can't be with you anymore."

"Micah just started out as a night out at the club and..."

"What it got out of hand?! How long have you been sleeping with someone else in our bed?!"

James rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing and dreading what he would say next to Micah. "A year...we met at the club he works at and things just happened..."

Silence was all that could fill the room, Micah feeling the tears streak down her face. She was angry but more importantly hurt and felt like she hadn't been good enough for James this entire time. Was this really going to be the end of their relationship after four years? Had it all been a lie? She knew what had to be done and it would hurt them both. Micah took off her engagement ring and set it in James' hand, gathering the courage to say the few words that could leave her.

"Get your clothes on...both of you and get out of this apartment. We're over James. And leave your key."

"B-But Micah...please..."

"I said leave now! Both of you!" Micah's anger rose with each word as she moved and pointed toward the door. James gathered his clothes and put them back on, the other man as well. Before both of them left out of the room, the other man set a card down on the dresser with the name of the club and looked at Micah with a sad expression. Once she watched them leave, Micah went back to the bedroom to discard the ruffled sheets to put into the washer. Once the washer was on in the laundry room, she fell to the floor crying hard and leaned against the wall. How could she have not seen the signs? How did she not see this coming. She knew he had been working later than usual but that also meant grounds to cheat on her as well. It hurt awfully bad for Micah. She really thought this man was different from others she'd been with.

"It was bound to happen if I didn't pay attention...I should have known..." Micah told herself getting up from the floor and headed back toward the bedroom, noticing the card on her dresser that advertised the club the man worked at where James met him.

Worshipping You-Male Strip Club for All
W 71st St
Manhattan, NY
Open from 7pm-3am

Micah thought a little bit and noticed the time stamps for the club being open were from 7pm-3am and it was now after 6 o'clock in the evening. Maybe she could use this opportunity to go have a little fun to burn off the stress. It would definitely take her mind off of James.

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