Chapter 1

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Micah got out of the shower and dried off, water dripping down her body before it was wiped away with the towel in her hands. If she was going to go out and have fun, she may as well look the part. She wrapped up her hair in a make shift towel turban to keep the wet locks off her smooth, dried shoulders. Grabbing the vanilla lotion off her bathroom counter, Micah rubbed it along her long legs and arms to keep her skin smooth and soft. This was a long time coming. She needed a time out for herself besides working long hours at the dentist office and being around a man who didn't have eyes for her anymore.

Well deserved Micah. You deserve a night out. He wouldn't even let you have one with anybody from work or college.

Going back to her thoughts about all the friends Micah made in hygienist school, not one was able to come near her because of James. He was too protective or rather he was hiding things from Micah. She kept her emotions in check while putting on mascara and eyeliner, not wanting it to smudge before she had the chance to go out. The lipstick she chose to wear was a deep crimson, complimenting a short black dress that Micah had slid into which hugged her well shaped hips along with some black stilettos with three inch heels. She grabbed the hair dryer after tussling her dark brown hair in the towel and finished up her look for the evening. Micah's hair complimented the lipstick as well, brushing it out to get all the tangles and fluffing it really nice. After cleaning up the bathroom counter, Micah walked out and grabbed the card to search the address in her phone. It seemed this club wasn't too far from her apartment building. No wonder it was so easy for James to cheat. Easy access, easy one night stands. She took the engagement ring off and threw it in the garbage can close to the door, satisfied with her decision to do something for herself tonight. Micah grabbed her black clutch purse from the closet, putting her ID and money in it as well as her phone. She grabbed her long black coat, exited the apartment, and made her way toward the elevator. Tonight was going to be fun no matter what.


Micah sat in the warm, toasty taxi with her black coat wrapped around snuggly. As cold as it was out there she needed to at least cover her arms and body. This was the first time in four years that Micah was a single young woman again in the market. Her nerves hit like a freight train as the driver pulled up to the club as advertised on the card. The place looked more exquisite than she had imagined. There were people lined up and ready to get in, all filing in one by one. Micah paid the driver before getting out and walking up to the entrance, feeling out of place in this crowd of younger people. There were some groups that had just men or women, and some had both men and women. Micah was the only singled out person going alone into this club.

It's okay. It's normal to go alone sometimes. I just wished I had called someone to go with me. I can do this.

Going inside once the line started to move faster, Micah hung her coat in the closet close by and paid for a wristband to get in. The wristband would also help her get drinks if she wanted but that was unlikely tonight. Micah rarely drank and if she did it wasn't very much. The music filled the room as people retrieved their drinks and brought them back to tables to sit down. It was almost suffocating in the club, Micah feeling the music ready to pound her heart out of her chest. It really had been a while since she had been on the scene with other young adults. There were other women dressed scantily clad in short dresses and barely anything at all. The same couldn't be said for the men except some were dressed fully and others not. This really wasn't her place to be. Of course she did want to enjoy herself and forget about James' cheating ass. She went to the counter and ordered a drink, waiting on a stool to sit and watch everyone around the club. It was dark and hard to see with all the flashing lights, men dancing on the stages nearby. Some of the strippers were hardly dressed either and Micah felt like she was too overdressed for this place. Once her drink arrived, Micah went to find a table close to one of the stages and noticed that there was one in front. She sipped on it as the men danced and some of the groups of people enjoyed themselves. Some of the groups had people with one stripper sitting with them and allowing one of the women to ride his lap. Micah had no idea how vulgar the club was until she seen public stripping being done in one of the more wide open booths. She adverted her eyes and blushed fiercely, really going at the drink in her hand. A server came by and took her glass, smiling as he asked," Did you want another one?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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