pain, but more pleasant

34 4 2

After 5 minutes, of waiting in front of the door, Blue Gay (Hitoshi) kicks the door with his big, juicy dick, like a BIG boy. He tries to find his sweet, crazy, horny, lovely babyboi, and can't find him.

"Eugh, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgh..mhmgha.. h- Hitoshiiii (blue gay)?" he heard the voice of his lover

croningly mutter through a dry throat, his voice crisp and delicate, like a newborn fawn. Hitoshi (blue gay) runs to his lovely crazy hot, big juicy dicked (that he wants to jump on), babyboiiii. Opening the door like always, with his dick. ( every time he wants to enter anything (including brown gay) he has to take off his pants.) Bokutachi (brown gay) can see through the dark his ANGEL that running to save his liiivvveee.

"Hii- hito shi~AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA gh h.GH agh khe khe- darling... Love

A look of absolute horror bestows upon Hitoshi's porcelain face, releasing his sweet baby lover boy, his meow meow, his big boobs love, just look at those massive pecks, overflowing with lust.

"I knew you had problems, you're my little emo badboi who I should have fixed by now, not like a dog, I still need your sweet cream, but.... WHY DO YOU HATE ME THHHAAAAT MUCH raaar???" said blue gay with wet eyes, and something else~

Hitoshi wanted to start screaming like a slut again, but Brown gay pressed his finger to his lips.

"sshhhhhhhh, Save your voice for a seexx my love, AND HELP ME. I'M DYING RIGHT NOW YOU MUTHER FUCKER BITCH." Said brown gay, his words rigid because of the pain.

Hitoshi stole a bandage from the cupboard, and a kiss, pressing his soft lips against the open wounds as he sterilized them.

Hitoshi (Blue gay) picked up the phone to call an ambulance, Bakutachi (brown gay) was trying to stop him. He even tried to seduce Blue gay, but blue gay was stronger because HE IS A BIG BOI, and he still could not forgive brown gay for all his words.

Minutes passed that felt like hours, with all the tension in the bathroom it was impossible to leave their experience up to time. The door was kicked open again.

"pSTSSTTSp why spthpsht was there a sphshs fucking dick mark on the spspp fucking door" Vet sama (sexy boobie gu gu ga ga~) ran in, her triple f size tits broke the door, it couldn't be kicked anymore, even though it liked it.

"Umn, you mean the pile of splinters in the corner?" said blue gay.

"Pshsphs never mind that you dirty boys, I'm the vet here, gimme that half corpse, nya"

BIG mommy grabbed a brown gay by the scruff while heading to the ambulance and the blue gay ran after them.

BIG mommy was driving, the lovers were in the back, brown gay's body weak, life draining from him as he lay in the gurney, blue gay looked into his deep blue eyes, a poetic sting of pain staining his vision.

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault. Why, why I'm so stupi-" Brown gay jumped on blue gay and held his finger on his mouth.

"Shshhhhh does not say anything my sweet meow, meow..." brown gay was looking at the BEAUTIFUL Hitoshi eyes.

"I would just forgive you if...YOU FUCJK ME RIGHT HERE~"

Blue gay was stunned, suddenly he lost total control of his body, fixing it to bokutachi's pleas, he gently lifted his corpse, heavy with lust.

"Do it, baby I dare you, fuck me like the horny rabbit I ammm augh aeehhahhhahh" moaned Bokutachi

"Have patience babe, you gotta want it~" whispered Hitoshi, pinning him to the stretcher.

Bokutachi wrapped his legs around Hitoshi's waist, kicking down his pants with his criminal boots. The cloth fell down Hitoshi's legs, revealing him in a way not exactly fit for an ambulance.

BANG! As the ambulance crashed into the building the door slid open. Vet Sama caught them in their near ecstasy.

"Okay horny boys let's go- o. Wow. ammm. You will fuck each other after, now we need to put Bakutachi (brown Gay) In the emergency room."

With touse words, BIG mommy grabs brown gay, Maybe a little bit hard but really gently~.

"Ooakqp okay, Bakutachi (brown Gay) oijxiodj say Goodbye, to the Hitoshi (Blue gay)~."

"Bye, my baby little, horny, big dick, sweet boy. Goodbye, see you in bed soon~."

said brown gay hiding behind the door of a mental hospital...


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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