Gen's House

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*Small trigger warning for blood

I had been friends with Gen for a few years. She had been sweet to me ever since I first met her.
I heard people say that she's...violent. I had never seen that part of her though. I assumed that her notorious reputation was nothing but rumors. The moms in my neighborhood had a tendency to spread rumors.
One day Gen invited me to her place for a small get-together. I decided to have my girlfriend, Lucille, tag along. She wasn't the hugest fan of Gen, but she loves parties and she loves me.
We arrived at Gen's house and I overheard a phone conversation from inside. Out of curiosity, Lucille and I learned against the door to listen.
"Ma'am you need to manage your anger. I don't want you to end up hurting that kid." The concerned converser said.
"Bae, I AM managing my anger, cuz if I wasn't, that little wide-eyed douche would've had their back clawed open!" Gen said.
"You're crazy. Floof never did anything to you."
Floof...they were talking about my pup.
"Floof DID do something to me. They made my kid fall in love with them, so they could take her away from me," Gen's words sounded muffled, like she was speaking with her teeth clenched. "After Floof stole my baby, my husband left me. Floof is the entire reason I'm alone."
"Almost nothing you said was actually true-"
"Shut your mouth Barbra!" And then she hung up.
I slowly pulled away from the door, my paws twitching. The thought of someone clawing at Floof's back with talons piercingly sharp enough to kill, disturbed me beyond belief. And the fact that Gen would think of doing something so sick disturbed me more.
Lucille held my paw. "Harriet, we should go. You seem a little upset."
So we began to walk away. Until we were hit with a door.
"No y'all, please don't leave," I cried. "A lotta the other guests didn't show up. I just want company." Which was true. I was alone, desperate, and I just needed someone to stick with me, someone to touch, even if for a few seconds. Oh, I just wanted to touch her so badly.
"Gen, you seem...kinda crazy to be honest," Harriet said, scratching her ear. "And that stuff you said about Floof-"
"No, no, I didn't mean any of that!" I wasn't gonna let her leave. I ran behind Harriet and pushed her inside. Then, I slammed the door in her girlfriend's face.
Gen's couch was soft and soothing, and her home was very warm. The living room smelled of honey and cinnamon.
But I knew something was off.
"Genesis, I was planning on going home-"
"Not yet," Gen barked. "I have juice I needa get rid of."
"That sounds like a lie." I replied.
Gen ran to her fridge and shoved half a gallon of orange juice into my paws.
"My family left me so...nobody's gonna drink this," Gen tapped on the jug. "Drink it."
I wasn't gonna drink it.
But I hadn't drank anything all day.
But I was supposed to be leaving.
But I couldn't let the orange juice go to waste.
I chugged it down. The entire half-gallon.
I rubbed Harriet's shoulder. She was getting sleepy. That melatonin was doing the trick.
The moment she fell asleep, I'd be able to do anything I wanted to do with her. I'd be able to touch her wherever I wanted-
I wasn't gonna do that though.
I was gonna stay with her, stroking her back to make her feel welcome. Maybe then she'd stay...
If that didn't work, I'd have to be a bit more forceful.
I started to think she might've put something in my drink.
I began to feel like I was gonna pass out. Just keeping my eyes open became a struggle. I looked over at the glass that sat on the coffee table.
What did Genesis put in my drink?
She had to have put something in there. I was perfectly fine before drinking it...
My eyes began to shut. They weren't going to stay open much longer. I banged my paws on the table, trying desperately to stay awake.
"Genesis, what did you put in my drink?" I asked sternly.
"Nothing sweet pea! You're probably just tired from work," Gen replied as she gently placed me on a cool pillow. "Get some rest, alright?
"No, no. I was NOT this tired before. This has nothing to do with work."
"Harri, you trust me, right?"
I said nothing. I didn't know if I trusted her. She was my friend. She had been there for me, helped me sort through my emotions, made me smile.
But the other mothers told me she was manipulative and abusive. And Gen wasn't doing too great of a job at disproving that notion.
I didn't have much time to think about that though, for my vision, and my mind, went black.
Her fur was so soft and warm, so peaceful, so...beautiful. She brightened the room with her beauty.
But then I realized how much she looked like that fluffy brat. The jerk that took my pup away from me. Oh, how much I wanted to rip that kid apart, see some blood spilled from their back, watch them cry in agony.
I snapped out of my fantasy and looked back at Harriet. She had been wearing an open-back dress. Her back was scarred, and my claws were painted red.
For some strange reason, the sight appealed to me. I kept tearing through her fur and skin, more blood spilled.
It was gonna be real difficult cleaning it up.
I woke up in a bedroom with bandages on my back and upper thigh. I was aching so bad that I considered just staying on the bed and going home in the morning. But I remembered what I told my pup.
"I'll be back in a few hours, Floof," I had said. "Call me if you need me."
I looked over at the clock.
12 am.
I checked my phone.
I had to go. I couldn't just leave Floof and Zamadi home alone.
So, I got up, crying in pain. I walked slowly, every step an affliction. I trudged through the hall, leaning against the burgundy walls. Eventually I reached the living room, which smelled of soap, bleach, and honey-scented candles. Gen scrubbed her couch, her face filled with anger and tears. Many, many, tears. She noticed me stumbling through the room, so she grabbed the fur on the back of my neck.
"Harriet! You're awake," Gen said, her voice trembling. "For a second I thought I killed you."
"I'm going home, Genesis. And I'm calling the cops." I tried to pull away, but she wrapped her arms around my stomach.
"Harri, you're in so much pain. There's no way you'll be able to walk home." Gen said softly.
"Get away from me." I growled.
She let go.
I stumbled out the door, shutting it behind me. It was raining, hard. I could faintly hear Gen begging me to come back inside. Her cries of desperation had me on the verge of tears, but I had to ignore her. I was going home.

I sat on my couch for a couple hours. I didn't know what to do. My family had left, one out of two of my friends left.
I tried to call Barbra, but she didn't answer. She messaged me pretty quickly though.
"I'm tired of trying to fix you. Leave me alone."
Two out of two.
So I continued to sit on my couch for about half an hour longer. Then I heard the sound of a police car approaching. Sirens, getting louder and louder, closer and closer, and my god did it hurt my ears.
And I knew what that sound meant. It meant I was doomed to years in a cold, depressing cell.
It was over.
It was all over.

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