Chapter 1

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What a vacation I was going to have with my best friend, Ashley Graham, the president's daughter. For as long as I can remember, we've always been close friends. The first time we met, was in middle school, when she was being harassed by some bullies, and I... well, let's just say I was always the tough one, and I gave those bullies a hard time for what they did. Needles to say, I got in trouble for starting a fight, but Ashley backed me up. We've become a team ever since.
I've always been protective of her. My fighting skills was enough to keep us both safe whenever something came up.
I couldn't think of a better person to spend my vacation with.

"Come on, Y/N. The limo is waiting," Ashley said. We were planing on going to the Café for a light meal. She took my hand and ran to the Limo. The driver opened the door for us get in, Ashley got in first, then me. The door was closed and the driver sat on his seat to drive.

"We can go for a walk after this, or we can just go to your place and play some Devil May Cry," Ashley recommended.
I leant back against my seat and shook my head, "I'm not motivated,"

Ashley couldn't help but giggle at my words, "What are you then? The storm that is approaching?" She asked between small giggle.
The corners of my lips rose up in a smile, giving her a wink in agreement. She didn't like Vergil all that much, her favorite character was Nero. I knew her too well to not know that. She listened to "Devil Trigger" song just as much as I listen to "Bury The Light"

We both started to laugh at each other and Ashley gave me a playful, gentle slap on the shoulder.
I chuckled and looked out through the window, at the sinking sun, admiring the beautiful red, orange and gold sky.
But soon, my smile faded as I noticed a black van behind us. Felt like it was... following us? I tried to shake the thoughts off, but growing sense of concern made my heart pound.

Shortly after, our Limo stopped. We've arrived at the Café. The driver got out to open the door for us, I stepped out of the car after Ashley did.

Something wasn't right, I could feel it. I decided to tell Ashley about this, but the sound of the driver shouting, snapped me out of my thought.

A figure of a man had tackled the driver from behind, a silver knife was on his throat, the blade shone in the light as he cut the driver's throat in a blink of an eye.

"OH MY GOSH!" Ashley shouted in fear, standing behind me.
The man's lifeless body hit the ground, painting the rocks into a dark red.
It all happened so fast, I glanced between the dead body and the man who did it.

He spun his bloody stained knife in his hand, blonde hair, muscular body, he had scars on his lips and left eye.
He gave me a death glare, two other men jumped out of the black van, standing on his left and right.

I stood in front of Ashley protectively , not taking my eyes off the people in front of us.

The blonde one gave the other two a nod of the head, "Get 'em" He commanded, deep voice.
At his word, they attacked us, but before they could lay a hand on Ashley, I grabbed one's arm from wrist and elbow, with one twist I dislocated his arm and kick him into the other guy.

"Get outta here, Ashley! I got this." I yelled. Ashley hesitated, she didn't want to just leave me there.

"Go, NOW!" I repeated, she had no other choice but to do as what I told her. She started to run and I glared at man with the knife, rising up my fists in a combat pose.

He smirked and put his knife in the holster on his back, "Impressive, didn't expect a princess like you to be a fighter,"

I grinned and tilted my head to one side, "You may wanna pull that knife out again. You're gonna need it," I said in a sarcastic tone.
He slowly shook his head and started walking towards me, "Not if I want you alive,"

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