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I lowered my head afraid to cry in front of the school's principal

"Please give me a chance for the last time, ma'am, i'll make sure to pay it before i graduate, just please give me a chance, please... I'm begging" i gripped on my shirt, eyes getting wet from the tears, the principal sigh in response, also i heard a small squeak at the door, but i just ignored it and went to focus to the principal

"Okay, this is your last chance, if you don't pay it before you graduate, i'm afraid, you will not get your graduate certificate, you understood?" i nodded in a reply and i lowered my head before exiting to the office. I went to go home and cook some ramyeon that can relieve from stress a bit.

I was in deep thought, where will i get a part time job that has a good income, i have a lot of debt on me, one is due next week and one next month, and one before i graduate... How can i earn a million won faster?? i shake my head for a deep thought

I went to my bed and falls asleep hugging my bunny pillow

The sun rises, and i had to go to school again and this time something felt weird happening because of a certain name, Yoon Jeonghan, been acting a bit kind to me

As i entered to the classroom, he greeted me and of course i greeted back and do a doodle at my sketch drawing some random doodles and after a few minutes, the professor finally walked in and start the discussion

"Okay students, you will formed into 2 groups and have to do the project in partners-" the professor keeps talking until he finally announces the partners of each group

"And lastly Yoon Jeonghan and Hong Jisoo" i looked up and turned to jeonghan which i saw him nodded and he looked at me and gave me a glance, and i immediately looked back to professor and listens to him, trying to forget the short eye contact

"That's all students, you may take your lunch now" students start walking out to the classroom and headed to the cafeteria to take a lunch, while i-uhm... I forgot to cook and i dont have money... So yeah...

All i have to do was wait for the lunch so i, just sat down and tries to fall asleep for a good hour. But my sleep got interrupted when a person comes to mind suddenly, Lee Chan. I forgot i'm going to meet him it's been a day since we talked

I stood up from my desk and walks out to the classroom and tries to find Channie. While walking to the hallways i saw Wonwoo putting a posters on the club's room.

"Hey Wonwoo! Did you see Channie?"

"Yeah, i saw him walking on his way to cafeteria, probably 30 seconds ago

"Oh okay! Thank you!" i waved at him and walks to the cafeteria and i found channie was getting sorrounded by my bullies, my eyes full of anger, so i ran to the scene

"What are you doing to him?"

"Well well well look what we have here the nerd and the loser"

"Chan did they do something to you?"

I got ignored by chan

"Chan tell me the truth"

"Hey nerd, sorry to tell you about this but, he's not your friend anymore pfft"

"What do you mean?!-"


"What the hell, can't even understand i thought your smart because of your nerd brain but, turns out your not even smart to understand a simple sentence gosh what a loser"

"Chan dont tell me its true!" i looked at him and he just lowered his head

"Yeah dont trust us, whatever, hey chan let's go" chan stood up to his sit and follows them, i was shocked they're now controlling him

"Oh by the way don't forget my money too" he whispered to me and pushes me off to the floor before walking out to the cafeteria

"i-.." i stood up and heard people laughing, i walked to my classroom and cries silently with my arms in my desk

I felt someone patting my head, and i looked up to see Jeonghan and he got embarassed and stopped patting me and gets back on writing on his notebook, forgetting the notebook was upside down

I sniffed and and before i wiped my tears on my uniform, jeonghan offered his uniform to me to use it for wiping my tears, i headshake in response

"No jeonghan you don't have to do it" he gave me a death glare, so i did what he wants i cries a bit more and wipes my tears on his uniform

"t-thank you.." he nodded in response and went back to writing on his upside down notebook, and i chuckled

"uh your notebook is upside down..." he got embarrassed and turn his notebook back

"hey thanks."

"no problem" and thats the last time i talked to him again for this day and the class is finished for today, i looked to the windows, it was raining and i forgot my umbrella back on my house because, the news didn't tell it was going to rain so i didn't bring it

I walked out to the school, looking at the rain falling from the sky for the last time, before i run my way to my house

I sighed heavily but i got stopped by someone who gripped on my bag, i looked to see who it was, and again it was jeonghan

"I'll take you home" he offered and i rejected it

"I dont need it.."and he gave me a death glare again making me obey him, i walked under his umbrella and we start walking

"T-thanks.. But really i dont need to.."

"Yeah yeah."

This is my first time walking with someone on the way home, and i feel more comfortable unlike when i was alone walking to my home



January 29,2023

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