t h r e e

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t h r e e

I lept out of the shower in one fluent motion, and turned the shower off in another.

Questions I simply could not answer were whirring around my head. Emotions were pouring through my body, and some of them were so foreign I couldn't put a name on them.

The most prominent, however, was fear.
A wave of it that made my blood run cold and my heart stop took over me. Standing there in my towel, I was afraid. Not for myself, though. I was afraid for everyone else.

Our neighbour, little old lady Jeanette Dobson.
The milk man, John Meer.
My co-workers Jim, Mary, and Suzan.

But most of all, I was terrified for Nora.

What was happening? I didn't know.

I slipped out of the bathroom and trotted into my room, pulling on boxers and a pair of sweatpants. After, I flicked on the TV and pulled up the news.

The warning banner was splayed across the bottom of the screen announcing an unknown disease that was ravishing the streets of Atlanta City.

Police were shown, covered in just the thing I'd been showering in, blood.
They had their big helmets on and were carrying around shields to cover their bodies.

"ATLANTA IN QUARANTINE" the big headline read, chilling my blood even more.

Atlanta was only 60 miles at least from here. Sometimes, if Nora was good, we'd go on a little trip to the city for ice cream and toy shopping.

With only a brief description of what was happening in the city, and an advisory to not use water that came from the city, the program flipped back to the news anchors in the newsroom.

They clearly were not concerned majorly about the goings on in the city, and continued on to a segment on oil use reduction.

With a shake of my head, I padded quickly down the hall to Nora's room, and pushed the door open, holding my breath.

The streak of light coming from the hallway behind me landed on Nora's soft, sleeping features. I had to make my decision quickly before the light woke her.

After a second of pondering, I gave in and pushed the door open all the way, and quietly headed towards Nora's bed, scooping her up in my arms.

She stirred momentarily, then opened her eyes sleepily, yawning as she rubbed them.

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

"You're going to sleep in my bed tonight, alright Nora-bear?" I replied softly, rocking her slowly as I carried her down the hallway.

She only nodded once and curled up on the opposite side of my bed when I put her down, drifting off to sleep effortlessly.

Sleep wasn't going to come easily for me tonight. So, I decided to pay a visit to Ms. Dobson.

I rapped on her door quickly, rubbing my hands together in the cool night air.
A light flicked on, and the door latch clicked open, revealing little old Ms. Dobson in a fluffy pink robe.

"Liam, darling!" Ms. Dobson greeted me friendly, "what ever can I do for you tonight dear?"

I smiled and entered her house as she pulled me in for a hug. "Hello Jean," I said casually, "I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, no dear, not at all. I was actually just settling in with a book. You look troubled Liam, what is it?"

"I'm worried Jean, have you seen the news?"

"No, I can't say I have, what's going on?" she asked tentatively.

"A disease... in Atlanta. The water's turned to blood Jean." I said, fear racking my body again.

"My, my. That doesn't sound good at all. Where's little Nora?"

"She's home."

"Well dear, I wouldn't leave her alone, you go and be with your daughter. I'll come by in the morning after she's left for school."

"Alright. Thank you Ms. Dobson."

"Anytime Mr. Payne." she smiled kindly, although it didn't reach her eyes.

I stepped down from her front porch and headed towards my front yard and the distant sound of sirens broke the night.

With a shiver, I stepped inside, locking the door and heading for the comfort of my bed, and my daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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