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Russia hated when his father came home drunk. It pissed him off so much that his father was out drinking instead of taking care of his children, leaving Russia to do all the work. He was sick of it, but he knew his father worked hard as well. God, he just wished he could get away from everything.

"Russia!" his father yelled. "I'm coming papa!" He made his way down the stairs. In the kitchen his father stood there waiting for him. "Why didn't you clean?" He yelled. "TELL ME!" his voice having an even stronger accent than normal. "I'm sorry I was busy! I had to help Belarus with her homework."

He hated when Soviet yelled.


Russia's face hurt so much... he hated it. "I can't even look at you right now." Russia looked toward the floor, not wanting to anger his father more. "I'm sorry." His voice was raspy, tears threatening to spill. He tried his best to look as if he didn't care though. "I can't believe someone so incompetent is my son." His father left the kitchen and went upstairs to his room.

Russia stood there alone, staring at the floor. Wondering what he did to deserve this. He made his way up to his room and collapsing onto his bed.

He looked up at the ceiling. He wanted to leave this place, he wanted to die or run away, but what about his siblings? He didn't want to leave them. He loved them no matter how irritating they were. The more he thought about it the more upset it made him.

In the back of his mind though, he felt he was being dramatic. People had it worse.

He decided it was best to go to sleep since he had school in the morning. He hated school too, everyone there made him angry. He thought about all the dumb shit he sees at school. The moonlight seeping through the curtains only made him feel more awake.

The Russian decided to go for a walk instead, so he got up and put on a sweater. It was one of those sweaters that had that fluff stuff inside. He tip-toed out of his room being extremely cautious to not make any noise. He put on his shoes and opened the door carefully.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he looked at the time, 12:37 maybe he would have enough time to go to the store. He started walking down in the direction of the store.

Russia hates many things, but one thing he loves is march. When it's not hot but not super cold. If only he could drop out and leave this place, he could go anywhere he wanted anytime!

The store wasn't to far, only being a few blocks away. Once he reached his destination he opened the door. It was the average corner store/gas station that sold snacks and drinks, but he came here for something else.

He walked toward the cashier, "Can i get a pack of cigarettes please?" The cashier looked up from his phone. "Yeah sure just give me a second." He gave Russia a pack. Russia payed for it and walked out of the store.

Russia wandered around the area burning through his pack. He was just thinking about what he's going to do at school and his homework, or maybe he should just skip entirely? He was just confusing himself and he didn't want to think anymore. Making his way back to his house, he came across a group of people in an alleyway.

"Hey man!" The Russian turned to look at the group, then looked back to the direction he was originally walking. "Oh? Seems like he's trying to ignore us."

What seemed to be the main guy, or more like their leader, got up and walked toward the tall Russian. Russia only glared at him, making the man a little uncomfortable. "As i was going to say, do you mind sharing some of your cigs with us?" The man had a sly grin. Great, Russia thought. 'These guys probably won't let me leave unless i give them some. Maybe I could try to convince them.'

"No," the Russian said. Slowly a few other guys started to get up. Russia counted all of them. There were 4 guys surrounding him and more sitting down. He could probably convince them to leave him alone, or beat them up.

"Look man, why don't you give us some and we'll leave you alone," some other guy said. "I already told you, no." "Fine then have it your way." At that moment a guy on his left swung his fist toward.

Russia prepared to get hit and braced himself.

All of a sudden, he felt nothing hit him. He looked up and saw a guy that looked about his age, he had a few red stripes on his face and sunglasses. "What the hell do you think your doing bitch!" "Stopping you from hurting someone innocent, obviously." The man with sunglasses replied.

Russia couldn't help but wonder who this guy is and why he's helping him. Why does he have sunglasses on it's literally night? Then he noticed the guy that was on his left knocked out. Suddenly the leader lunged forward aiming for the man's head.

Bam! The striped man knocked out the main guy in just one one punch! Out of nowhere the guy with sunglasses pulled out a gun. As soon as the other people saw this, they immediately froze."You guys better fuck off and not pull some dumb shit like this again, Ya hear me?"When they heard this they all agreed, anybody could see from the look on their faces that they probably shit their pants right then and there. 'Woah,' Russia thought. He's so......badass? Was that the word?'

The group ran off to who knows where.

He was so distracted by the gun he forgot what he was going to say. Russia only stared at him, speechless. 'Oh god what the fuck just happened?'

The unknown man grabbed Russias hand and dragged him away from that spot near the alley. "Are you ok dude?" A voice broke his train of thought, he whipped his head towards the shorter male. "Ye-yeah I'm good, thanks for helping me back there...." His voice trailed off at the end. Not like I needed help anyways.

"My names America, whats yours?" Russia hesitated for a second, wondering if he should tell him because he's never really talked to other people outside of school, plus this man has a fucking gun on him. "I'm Russia."

"Cool, what school do you go to?" By this point the American realized the awkward tension between them. "Oh-um sorry if I'm asking to many questions." He said sounding a little embarrassed. "No of course not!," the Russian was quick to reply, not wanting the situation to be more awkward than it already was. "I go to_____, what about you?" "Oh I just moved here so Im probably going to the same school as you."

Russia had had enough by now, "I'm sorry America but I need to go-" "Wait! Can i get your number, if we go to the same school I at least want to one know one person." Russia hesitantly agreed and the two exchanged numbers. They said their goodbyes and went there separate ways.

'I can't believe I actually gave him my number. Why did I do that???" Russia internally grimaced thinking back to it. Now he'd have to talk to someone! He hated talking to people, let alone being around people!

The Russian recognized that he was already near his house. He unlocked the door trying his best to be quiet. Making his way upstairs he went to the bathroom and got changed. He went to his room and put his backpack on the ground. He grabbed his phone and put his earbuds on, picking whatever playlist he saw fit. Laying down on his bed he looks out the window.

As much as he thought it sounded cringe, he always loved the Earth. The sunset, the sunrise, the winter, he loved all of those things. Thinking about things he loved made him happy; it made him feel like tomorrow would be a better day, even if it was something small. The sound of the wind outside eventually lulled him to sleep.

He hoped tomorrow would be a better day.


I'm not gonna delete the original story I'll just unpublish it so when i finally finish this I'll look back and see how bad i was at writing(if i do improve anyways)

My screen is very fuucked up so this is gonna take a while. I've also started the other chapters.

Word count:1470

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