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It was a nice day, nothing out of the ordinary. Russia laid in bed the entire day, with no intention of getting up. It was the weekend-who cares?

He wanted so bad to make that reality, but he had no interest in getting out of his bed. So he laid there, not moving an inch. He stared out of the window, continuing his daydreaming.

It had been a peaceful day. His father hadn't been home this morning, he felt calmer when his father was gone. Now that he could do whatever he wanted, he didn't know what to do.

He contemplated going outside, but it was too bright out. Instead, he decided he
would just go downstairs and get food. Sighing, he got up, but immediately after he fell back down after a jolt of pain ran up his spine.

'I hate being tall sometimes. Fuck back problems.'

He laid there unmoving. He suddenly remembered when America pulled out a gun. 'Maybe the stereotype is right.' The Russian knew he couldn't be one to talk, he just thought it was funny.

He finally got up after the pain had subsided a bit. He waked downstairs and noticed his brother holding something, well more like hiding. "What's that," he interrogated Kaz.

The younger turned around, a few bags of chips falling out of his arms, to which he picked up swiftly and ran away.

The Russian had no words to describe what he saw.

He eventually shrugged it off and grabbed some water. He pulled his phone from his pocket and checked his notifs-there were only post from people he followed. One thing stood out though, was that America had messaged him a few minutes ago.

"Call me." It read.

He clicked on FaceTime and pressed on America's icon. It rang for a bit, but eventually the American picked up.

"Hey Russia," America yelled to the camera. The angle was rather weird, like a fisheye angle that made him look a bit goofy. Russia smiled at this, "hello."

"So are you busy today?" Russia started to make his way back up the stairs, "no why? You want to go somewhere?"

"Uhh yeah if you want to! I saw this park around my house, do you wanna go check it out with me?" The Russian grabbed his ushanka, "yeah uh where do you wanna meet?"

"Could I come to your house?" "How about we meet near school, that way you don't have to walk all the way here," Russia requested. America smiled awkwardly close to the camera, "Aight then Rus." Russia held back a chuckle, "see you there."

The call ended and Rus went back downstairs. "I'm going out!" He shouted to his siblings, getting an 'ok' screamed back.

He winced from the bright sunlight outside and covered his eyes. Hopefully it went away soon.


Eventually he saw the American across the street from him. The clouds had finally moved over and blocked the blinding sun. The American crossed the street and stood next to Russia.

"Still wearing those sunglasses?" Russia teased. "Shush."

"The place isn't too far, we'll get there soon," America said, motioning the other to follow him. The taller male followed the other. The pair walked side by side, looking at what was around them. The Russian recognized that they were near the area that America was situated in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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