~majins hangover~

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~this story is set before they have kids~

Majin and Lord X were out partying and majin was drunk.

'Lord X...*hiccup*'
'Majin...how many shots did you have? '
'I dunno like, *hiccup* 6...'
'Majin.... You need to go home'

Lord X then picked up majin. Majin was very loopy because of how drunk he was. As soon as they got home, majin slept on the sofa. The next morning majin woke up. His head was pounding. He felt sick and he was aching all over. Lord X walked in and saw the state he was in.

'Majin, Are you alright?'
'No... I feel like I've been hit by a truck...'
'I told you this would happen...'
'Please...save me the lecture. I feel like crap right now'
'Fineee, I'll spare you because I know how bad hangovers are'

Majin the sat up and gagged. He was really nauseous. Lord X put his hand on majins shoulder. Majin the muttered something and laid down. He then gagged and nearly puked. He quickly got up and ran to the kitchen and vomited loudly into the sink. Lord X ran after majin. Once he got there, he rubbed majins back. Once majin stopped, he turned around and hugged Lord X and he began to sob. He regreted everything he had done and the the party. Lord X held him close and whispered to him.

'It's alright my dear... You will be alright...ill take care of you'
'O..okay... *sniff*'
'Go lay down

Majin still sobbed in his boyfriends arms. Lord X then picked him up and walked him to the sofa and helped him to fall asleep. Lord X then laid with him and fell asleep.

majin x lord X  One-shots [SUGGESTIONS ALWAYS OPEN] Where stories live. Discover now