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Rose's POV

My eyes flutter open to see the ceiling above me. I turn to my right and see Ant sound asleep. I get up slowly and carefully so that he wouldn't wake up. I slide out of his room, closing the door as quietly as possible. I assumed everyone else had been sleeping so I went downstairs to grab myself a drink. I crept into the kitchen trying to find where everything was and failed miserably. "If you're looking for coffee, we have a machine, or you can make it by using the kettle it's your choice" I turn around slowly to see his Mum sitting there with a cup of coffee in her hand. 

"Thank you, I was just going to have a glass of milk and was looking for the glass" "Top shelf on the far left" I take her directions and find a glass before opening the fridge and pouring myself a glass of milk. Once I put the milk back, she had spoken. "You're not using my boy, correct?" I look at her and gulped, not expecting this kind of talk so early in the morning. "No" She studies me, and I feel self-conscious under her stare. "You truly care for him?" I nod. "Then I may allow you to continue seeing him. But I shall warn you, no harm better come to him" I shake my head as soon as those words left her mouth. 

"Of course, I wouldn't let anything bad happen to him, please trust me when I say that" She nods before taking a sip of her coffee. "And I would like to apologize" She tilts her head in curiosity. "What for?" "For barging in and for what had happened the morning after, that isn't the way that I had wanted to greet you" I placed my glass down and straightened out last night clothes. "Um My name's Rose Campbell, I'm sixteen and my average in school is a B" She doesn't say anything, so I continue. "Both of my parents are dead, so I only have my brother, I've only had one other relationship that didn't turn out very well, but I'll try my best with Ant." 

I take in a shaky breath. "I don't know much about God, but I will respect his name and your religion under your roof and or even in your presence-" "Stop" I shut my mouth and wait for her to speak. "All I ask of you, is that you treat Anthony right, I would like nothing else" "I will do everything my power to make sure he's happy" A small smile is formed on her face before she gets up with her coffee in her hand. "Rose" I stand up straighter with my hands behind my back. 

"Yea ma'am?" "If you can make my Anthony smile that much, you can stay whenever you like" I smile widely at her before she goes upstairs. I sigh relievedly while taking my glass of milk and walking to Ant's room. I open the door to see him stir awake. "Good morning beautiful" I blush while sitting my drink down on the bed side table. He grabs me and pulls me into bed, covering us with the blanket. "Where did you run off to?" "I um went to the kitchen and I met your mum" His body stiffens. "What did she say? Nothing too bad? She can be tough... all the time."

I laugh at what I think is a joke. "She was actually really nice" He squints his eyes before attacking my face with kisses. "Tell me really what she was like" "She just asked questions that's all, I apologized for the other night, and we have an understanding, she even said I could stay whenever I liked" He raises his eyebrows before pulling me closer. "Then I won't let you go" He looked me seriously in the eyes. "And what if I break while you hold me?" I asked. "Then I'll have to hold you tighter" 

I sunk into his warm embrace, not wanting him to see how much that meant to me. "You will never go back to Chook again for as long as I live" I clutched onto him tighter wanting to stay like this forever. This is the time where I needed everything to stop. I pulled my head back so I could admire him. He was the sweetest boy I had ever met, other than Cash. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. I pulled back only to be met by his lips again. I laughed against his lips, and he smiled. 

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't ready to part yet" He goes in to kiss me, but his alarm clock goes off. He groans before switching it off. "We should stay here for the day" Knock. Knock. Knock. "Get up Ant" He groans again. "I can't wait until this afternoon" He kisses my forehead before rolling us both out of bed and onto the floor. I erupt into giggles as I make a run for it to the bathroom to shower first. I close and lock the door behind me, grinning at my little victory. 

I showered quickly since I had none of my stuff here and outside the door was Ant. He stood there with a pout on his face. "You locked me out" I grab his cheek, pinching it. "Aw the poor baby" I laugh before shoving him in the bathroom. "Go shower" He salutes me before I head into the bedroom and drink my milk. A knock comes from the door and his mum walks in. "I made you lunch, I wasn't sure what you liked so I just have left over pizza in the fridge that you can have" "That sounds really good, thank you." 

She points her finger up in the air wanting to say something else. "Ant's Dad will stare at you, please don't take offence to it, Ant hasn't brang home anyone before so this will be his first time" "I completely understand" I smile widely at her before she retreats back down to the kitchen. I smiled at myself. He really hasn't brung anyone home before? As if an angel heard me, Ant walks through the door, drying his hair. 

"What?" "You didn't tell me I had so much pressure on my shoulders" I fold my arms and I watch him trying to figure out what he did. "You have never brang anyone home before" He sighs while letting out a breathless laugh. He sits on his knees in front of me and holds my hands. "You will be the first-" He kiss one hand. "-And the only" He kisses the other hand. "That'll ever meet my family, because believe it or not, they are crazy" I laugh but he looks at me seriously which only makes me laugh more. 

"I'm serious" "I know, that's the funny part" He shakes his head at me before crawling on top of me. My laughter dies down as he places small kisses on my face. Once he kisses my nose, he looks down at me. "Have I told you how pretty you look" I blush harshly at his words. "You're so annoying" He tilts his head with that gorgeous smile on his face. "Oh, am I?" He starts to attack me with tickles as a form of punishment. "Am I really that annoying?" 

I laugh and laugh until it becomes painful. "Stop, stop!" "You were so mean to me, why should I?" He says playfully. "Because I'm sorry and you're not annoying" I finally catch my breath as he set's me free. I jump up onto my feet and slowly make my way to the door. "I was lying, you are annoying" I run out of the room as fast as I could so that he wouldn't catch me. 

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