Part 5

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The next morning, no matter if rain or shin Takemichi was in a good mood, she got up and done what she needed to do for school before heading downstairs "Morning Nana" she skips over and kisses her head, startling the old lady "uh hahaha good morning to you too dear" she sways around the kitchen like a swan, grabbing a glass and filling it up with water before grabbing the toast and waving goodbye and heading to school. She munches on the toast in her own little world and before she knew it she was at school "hmm, that was quick, never mind" she charged at her friends who are confused "hey, where are the other three?" Akkun says while walking inside "uh.....we had an argument yesterday and ain't friends no more" she does her usual turn on her heels before smiling "but can I ask for a favour?" She claps her hands together before doing a pouting face.

They sigh cause how could they say no to her, she giggles "if you could maybe keep the boys away from me, I know they just walk in and do what they want but not just that" she puts a finger in the air "I will pay for lunch for the next week if you succeed this challenge boys" this fired them up cause Takemichi knows the best places to eat and some times doesn't go cheap so they agreed "wait what about Emma?" Yamagashi mentioned "it's fine, I'm gonna ask Hinata to deal with her, I know Hinata has been eyeing up this too I have but never wear so that's gonna be her prize" the bell rings and everyone goes their separate ways, Takemichi talks to Hinata in class about it all and she's all for it, so bad she stood up in the middle off class and yelled "IM GONNA STOP THAT BITCH LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT" and got a warning as her face goes red and the whole class laughs.

The day goes like normal and the boys and Hinata are doing a great job at keeping everyone away from Takemichi even though they were shit scared off getting beat up. Well all whats good must come to an end and it was minute's before the end off lunch when it all came crashing down, Takemichi was eating with her boy group when they hear yelling  so they look around only to see it's Hinata and she's chasing a gi- Takemichi's eyes widen as Emma and the boys come charging at her so she quickly packs her stuff as she boys make a wall, not a very good one but sadly she couldn't get away before they loom over her light pray. She looks at them as she stands, she can see they are speaking but somehow its blocked out like she didn't even wanna know, they would just come up with excuses on why they did what they did, she sighs as she grabs her bag and heads back to the building only to get her hand grabbed and yanked back.

Her eyes widen before turning to see it was Emma, she looks angry kind off like she's yelling while her grip tightens '"your hurting me stop" she says or well what she wanted to say but no words were formed, tears fall down her face and she done the only thing she knew would make this girl let go, she looks Emma right in the eye before full on punch her in the face, this gave her the opportunity to break free and run but not to he teachers but out the school. She wanted to get as far away from them as possible. 'Crap what do I do?' She asked herself before hearing bikes so she ducked behind a wall only for a hand to cover her mouth, her eyes widen and look over only to see Sanzu. He removes hes hand before pulling her into an ally "Jesus, what's that about. Got the whole off tomon on your back" he leans against the wall while he's arms cross over hes chest "'s kind off complicated" "I have a few hours to spare" and like that she explains the argument and what's going on before he found her.

The ally is silent before he speaks "wow, all that in one day. I kind off fell bad but not really" he says, anyone would be hurt but she knows this means he cares "know give me your phone" he holds out he's hand, being confused she digs through her school bag and hands her pink phone with a fluffy white ball on it to him "unlock it stupid" "ahh right ha" she unlocks it and gives it back, she watches him put some numbers into her phone before handing it back "there, know you have all our numbers if you need help, let's go" he turns and walks off, she looks down at her phone before smiling "huh, coming" she runs after him. After a while they eventually got to the base after messing with the tomon members (yes Sanzu isn't as obsessed with Mikey in this one), they walk towards the open doors laughing.

"Dam, I like you kid" "same here" they walk through the doors only to see a horrible mood floating in the air "hey, what's going on?" Hes face drops to hes usual one, ran turns to look at the two "Boss, for some reason he's in a bad mood" he points to a random door "what's behind there?" Takemichi walks over "hes room, we basically all live here as a family while the youngsters are still at home with their family" Koko explained, Takemichi noded before heading right to the door. "Are you mad?" Kaku spoke while grabbing her hand, she looks at him "maybe" and just like that she shakes the guy off and heads right inside, she closes the door behind her and see's Izana sitting at hes desk clearly stressed. She lets out a small giggle, not even that made the man notice she was there.

She walks over and stands behind the guy, completely not noticing the meeting he's in on hes laptop with another gang, she places her hands on hes shoulders startling him. He whips he's head around only to see her beautiful smile "Takemichi, your not meant to be in h- shhh just relax ok" and with that she starts massaging hes shoulders, he's surprised at how good she is and like her he forgets about the meeting as he sinks into the touch and the relaxation "dam your good" she giggles.

The other gang is conflicted if they should speak up or not.

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