Part 14

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Takemichi's eyes widen at her daughters words, this makes her fight back, makes her want to get to her crying child. He scoffs "ha, you think I'm gonna let you break free" she tears "please, just let me be with my child" she pleads with him "you mean our child, GOD SHUT UP" he yells at Harumi, Izana runs over to the child and hugs her "shhh, hey hey don't look ok" he holds her head to hes chest, this makes the dad mad with rage "so anyone can touch my child huh, it seems you haven't taught this useless brat anything my dear. Seems I have to do it for you", Takemichi's eyes widen in fear, she claws at hes arm "DONT YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER YOU MONSTER" she yells but got punishment for it by being thrown to the side, hitting the side off her head hard off the side off a table.

Izana watches in shock, he stands up with little Harumi behind him hugging he's leg crying. Her dad looks at them with rage "hmm you look familiar but who cares, know if you don't mind I need my daughter back cause she needs to learn manners" he walks closer to them, Izana getting ready to fight if needed. "Sorry but I can't allow that, I've been hired to protect her" he says like he ain't human, the dad stops in he's tracks "that fucking bitch, she fucking hired you didn't she" he spits before looking where he threw her but she ain't there no more, he starts freaking out. Well that is until he's knocked out by a sudden force, he falls to the ground and standing behind him with a frying pan in hand is Takemichi, breath heavy with blood running down the side off her face.

She drops the pan and runs over to Harumi, she drops to her knees as she hugs her Angel, she looks at her while pushing hair out her face "Harumi my Angel, my sweet child. Promise me you will be good ok" she says, she picks her up and hands her to Izana "uh, Takemichi what are you doing ?" He asked while clutching onto Harumi "he won't stop until he gets what he wants, remember your here to protect her not me" she smiles as she strokes her cheek "be good for Mr Izana ok, don't listen to anyone but him ok." She nods as they all hear low moans coming from the nocked out dad "go, you can go through the back door, it leads to a forest so sneak out know" she says as she pushes them towards the back door, they got there but Harumi won't let go off her mothers arm.

She smiles one last time "I'll find you later, I promise" she then pulls her arm away and slams the door shut before locking them out as the dad finally stands and is coming too. Izana stands outside the door in shock before hearing a lot off banging then quite, a picture off Takemichi from when they were younger came to mind before the image off her know over takes. "Come on Harumi, let's go" and with that he leaves 'god...if only I wasn't an asshole back then, this wouldn't have happened and she would still be mine' he thought as he ran.
It was hours later and by this point Izana is back in the gangs massive building with Harumi on hes lap drawing while sitting at the table, she followed her mums rules to not listen to anyone but Mr Izana.

Everyone is there witch is a surprise, Mikey was confused at first but soon figured out they wanted to see the child who looked familiar to someone they once knew. Suddenly the door flings open, on instinct Izana wraps a hand around Harumi who's looking at the door with everyone else "sir a women is here" one off the underlings announced clearly worried and out off breath, everyone gives each other a look off confusion before the so called women wobbles inside the room. She has dried and fresh blood all over her, new bruises and cuts while her clothes are ripped and basically falling off her, Mikey didn't like homeless people in hes building so he was angry that someone let one in.

"Ugh, get this women out off he-" he goes to say only to be cut off by Harumi "MAMA" she screams before hoping off Izana and running towards the women and like she's just been revived her eyes widen before kneeling and allowing her child to run into her arms she crys too. Izana stands by the shock off everyone and walks over to them, Takemichi noticed and stands while Harumi hugs her slightly bleeding and bruised leg, she smiles while crying "you kept her safe...Thanks Izana" and without a second thought he grabs her and pulls her into a tight hug witch shocks the girl but she slowly hugs back "I'm so sorry, I should have protected you...." He goes quite before finally finishing hes sentence "I'm sorry Takemichi" everyone's eyes widen at the name he just mustered "WHAT?" They all yell, the two pull away from each other so Takemichi could just about pick Harumi up despite being in so much pain and know they have a good view off the women Izana was right. It was Takemichi.

No one moves cause they are all frozen in shock especially Mikey, the girl they have been searching for and wanting to protect is right in front off them, beat nearly to death and they could not do anything about it.

She smiles, clearly in pain "hey guys, long time no see. How you been?" They cry before all getting up and running to her "TAKEMICHI".
They engulf her and Harumi into a massive hug as they cry, at least they know she ain't dead anymore and can actually say sorry properly know.

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