Locked eyes

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"You saved my life!" I heard someone screaming in the crowd. "Wow.." I thought. I looked around and tears started to form in my eyes. I saw so many people screaming and crying the lyrics. I finally started to realize how greatful I am for all my fans. Dom saw me crying, stopped the music and walked over to me. "Hey.. are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I am. It just hit me hard you know.." I looked at him. I apologized to the crowd and continued singing Amsterdam.
The fact that I also had many thoughts and the artist Billie Eilish saved me. That kind of brings like the memories back.
The fact that she's here right now is absolutely crazy. I see her doing her iconic jumps in the corner of my eye.

Rough start, haha. I should introduce myself. My name is Conor Mason. I'm in a band called Nothing But Thieves. My best friends James Price, Dominic Craik, Philip Blake and Joe Langridge are also in the band.  I also have an own band called ManMade-Sunshine. I love writing songs, singing under the shower, my favorite artist is Billie Eilish, I love animals, touring is one of my favorite thing to do and I love my best friends. Well, let's continue shall we?

I locked eyes with a fan. They looked very pale in the face and I think they were about to faint. I signed to the others to stop. "Hey you, the one in the black shirt with dyed purple hair next to that person with a green sweater, you good??" I asked. They nodded. "Let them come up here." I said. People started screaming. The security went to get the person. I quickly put the microphone away and helped them up. "Are you sure that you're okay? You're really pale and it looks like you're about to faint." I said worried. "I really wanted to see you guys. Everything is very loud. I've been to all your concerts and it always went okay but this time everything was too much for me." They said looking into my eyes. "What's your name?" "Y/N.." they said. "You can sit in the changing room until you calm down. Can you sing by the way?" I smiled. Their eyes lit up. "A little bit." They looked away. "Well come back when you calmed down then you can sing with us. Guys we have a special guest today! Two actually!! I don't know if you already saw her but the iconic Billie Eilish is in here!!!" I said in the microphone. A wave of screaming people lit up.  Billie went onto the stage and waved to the crowed. I looked to Y/N when they went to the changing room and smiled. I hold the microphone close, took a deep breath and started happily singing again. Bill joined us and I've never been this happy.

-the next song-

Unperson started to play. I felt two hands touch my shoulder. I turned around to see Y/N and Billie standing next to me with a microphone in their hand. They walked around a bit to get a good look at everyone. When the beat dropped Y/N and Bill did my iconic little jump. I started jumping with them.

We lose all control of our senses, so slowly.
Give them up until we're defenseless, so surely.
This is not what you think it is.
This is not what you, this is not what you.
This is not what you think it is 
It's worse.
Now my computer gets sad without me, it's scary.
It's turnin' off everything I believe in.
'Cause it knows it's easy.
This is not what you think it is.
This is not what you, this is not what you.
This is not what you think it is.
It's worse.
'Cause I'm another unperson.
You created this mess.
You are the grand designer.
Revel in our unrest.
And we're getting sick of your doublethink.
We see you all and now the walls are cavin' in.
And maybe I'm flawed, but I do exist.
My thoughts are mine, I didn't sign up for this.
Now my spirit can barely function, it's ugly.
No longer fit for public consumption.
Well, I guess that's somethin'. 
This is not what you think it is.
This is not what you, this is not what you.
This is not what you think it is.
It's worse.
'Cause I'm another unperson.
You created this mess.
And we're getting sick of your doublethink.
We see you all and now the walls are cavin' in.
And maybe I'm flawed, but I do exist.
My thoughts are mine, I didn't sign up for this.
I'm just another clone of a clone.
I'm out here searchin' for some meanin'.
I'm all out of love, I forget what it feels like (yeah).
And we all take orders comin' from above us.
And they won't leave me alone.
I'm just another clone of a clone of a clone.

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