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I got out of con his car. "Can I wake her? I want to wake her. Let me wake herrrr!" I jumped around him. He smiled. I was so busy being excited that I didn't know that Billie was standing behind me. She slowly put her arms around my waist. "Did you sleep well, Pirate?" Conor said teasing while Billie rested her head on my shoulder. The butterflies on that moment.. my god, you do not wanna know. "Haha. Yes I did actually." She scoffed. "Soo, what are we going to do?" I asked nervously. "What about a game to get to know each other better?" Con his eyes lit up. "Yes! Let's go!!"

Not even 10 minutes later we sit around each other with an awkward silence. I felt all the eyes on me. "Sooo.." I said awkward. "Anything wanna drink?" Billie asked. "A beer for me please." I said. "For me too, love." Con said smiling. Billie smiled back and stared a bit too long at him. I snapped my fingers. "Bill!" "Oh yeah haha.." she quickly ran to the kitchen. "Cute." Conor and I said. We laughed.

After Billie came back we got to know each other better and it turned out that we have a lot in common. It's amazing how my lifesavers are sitting next to me and that we are relatable.

-time skip to the afternoon-

I was looking at Conor and Billie who were getting ready for creating a song. I was sitting at the table with paper and a pen thinking about what I could write. Billie came over to me and sat down next to me. I was humming something and Billie tried so sing a bit with my humming. Conor looked at us in surprise. "That could actually work!" He recorded us so he could remember. "You guys sound amazing together." He said very excited. He is so cute when he's excited. I looked at Billie and she smiled brightly. She clapped her hands from excitement. "This is going to be so much fun! I bet it will turn out amazing. With that voice of you and Conor will everyone (s)cream." "Hey, hey! Your voice is better then mine!" I said. "No way you just said that, Y/N." Billie said while crossing her arms. "You both sound like angels, loves." Conor said trying to stop us. "But your voice, Conor.. mmm. My god. Could eat you up right now." I said. Conor stared at me and he laughs nervously. I realized what just came out of my mouth and I didn't say a word for the rest 5 minutes. Billie laughed at me. "Shut up, Billie." I said embarrassed. My phone rang and I jumped up. "I'll be right back." I said nervous because I knew who it was. "Alright." Con and Billie said. I walked away and picked up.
"Where are you?" A voice screamed in my ear. "I'm at a friend, ex-partners/n. What do you want? Why are you calling me." I said annoyed. They always want to know where I am, they can see when I leave the house, they never leave me alone. It's annoying as fuck. My parents are also best friends with his so I'll see him like every week or something. "I miss you, Y/N. When will you be home? Then we can hangout again." They said in the most annoying voice on earth. "Listen, ex-partners/n. Leave me alone. You cheated on me and you gotta leave me alone now. We're done. Move on, please." I wanted to hang up. "Y/N, please. Let me see you one more time. I love you and I really didn't mean to chea-" my phone got yanked rudely out of my hands. Conor was standing behind me and Billie was standing behind him. Apparently they heard everything. "Who are you?" Conor asked at ex-partners/n. "Who are you?! I'm y/n's partner. Give them their phone back!!" They said mad. Conor looked at me and I shake my head. "Ex." I whispered. "Why haven't you blocked them." Billie said. "My parents like them and their parents are best friends with my parents so I basically can't get rid of them." I said. Conor looked at Billie and then at the phone. "You should leave y/n alone. They are already with someone." Conor quickly hang up.

"WHY DID YOU SAY THAT!" Billie said laughing. "I'm not with anyone?" I said questioning. "Can I have my phone back, by the way?" Conor handed me my phone while Billie was still laughing. "What's so funny?" Conor ran after to her and she started screaming. Billie ran around the table while Conor was chasing her. "Y/N HELP ME!" Billie screamed. "You know.. I'm actually standing very comfortable on this spot. I don't think that I want to leave." I said teasing. Billie came running my way, picked me up and ran to an other room. I screamed. "BILLIE PUT ME DOWN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" "Pay back, bitch." Billie put me down and fell on the ground laughing. Conor walked in also laughing. "You should've seen your face, Y/N!!" I rolled my eyes.
I walked back to the kitchen. "Can we bake something?" I asked. "Like what, love?" Conor asked. "Cupcakes!" Billie said walking behind Conor. Conor turned around to face her. "Do we have the ingredients?" "Let me check." Billie walked to the hallway, looked around, got some ingredients and walked back. "We have the most of them. We just miss some sugar and toppings." "Well, let's get them then?" I jumped around way to excited. "Calm down, love. We have the time." Billie said. I hate it but love it that they keep calling me "love".

-a few hours later-

"Y/n.. it's almost 1AM and you're still making cupcakes. Are you mentally okay?" Billie rubbed her eyes. I've been baking cupcakes for 2 hours now and I have so much energy. I love cupcakes and I love the night. So making cupcakes at night is the best thing ever. "Yes." I jumped around. "Cupcakes." I said.

Conor was sleeping on the couch. I wanted to jump on him but that would wake him up. And if I jump on him and he will grab me and then he won't let go. Said with experience. But I had so much energy.  "I'm going to walk around for a bit." I said to Billie. "I have sooo much energy and I don't wanna wake up Con." "Understandable. Be careful, love." Billie said.

I put on my jacket and my shoes. I went outside and ran around a bit. I put on some music and dances around by the trees. I love being alone in the dark at night. It's so quiet and peaceful. I went to sit down in the grass. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the quietness with the smell of grass and other plants. My music played softly in my headphones. Suddenly there was a guy next to me. He sat down and came closer. "Who are you?" I asked surprised.


I woke up from something that fell. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you!!" Billie said while cleaning up some glass. "Be careful you don't cut yourself on some glass, Billie." I said worried. "About that.." Billie said while showing her hands full of blood. "Jesus!" I ran to her and got a closer look. "That's such a deep cut. And there's still glass in there." I looked at her. "I'm going to take you to the hospital real quick cause I don't trust taking it out myself." She nodded. We got into my car. I didn't care it would be a bloody mess, I wanted Billie to be okay.


I got home with my new friend. Well I guess we're friends. His name is Victor and he was really nice. "Con? Billie? Where are you? I have a new friend!" I looked around a bit. "They're not here. I hope they are okay. Do you want something to drink, Vic?" "Thee." He said dry. "Okay.. I'll be right back." I walked to the kitchen. I yelled. "Blood! There is blood all over the floor!" Vic came over to the kitchen. "Glass." He said while pointing to the table. "Someone probably broke it and wanted to clean it up but cut theirselfs." Victor said. "Smart but i dont know. I hope they are fine." "I'm sure they will." Vic sat down on a chair. My mind was racing. "Who was bleeding? Are they okay? Where are they now? Maybe it wasn't the glass. Maybe they got murdered. When will they come back? Do they have their phone with them? Can I contact them?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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