# 11 - The Date

414 12 27

(a/n) ty pookies for the support ily😘

Sunday, 12:14 pm



On my way!




dw bbg ill be ready



. . .

You smiled before placing down your phone. When you put on your date outfit, you carefully observed yourself in the mirror. Though you would never say it out loud, you were dressing more for Scaramouche than you were for yourself. He made you feel a type of affection you had never known you were capable of. You had grown more attached to your friends than your family, but it felt like you and Scaramouche had always experienced something much deeper with each other.

You heard an aggressive knock at your front door, interrupting your thoughts. You hurried out of your room, down the stairs, and to the front door. When you opened it, you saw Scaramouche standing before you wearing a casual and comfortable outfit. He was silent for a moment, looking you up and down before saying, "Let's go." You smiled and nodded, making your way to his car.

When you finally arrived at the ice skating rink, you immediately purchased your skates. Even though Scaramouche insisted on buying yours, you refused. "You don't have to pay for everything," you smiled at him while giving the cashier your money.

"But I want to." He retorted as the two of you made your way to a bench to put on your skates.

"You're gonna go broke if you keep buying things for everyone."

"I don't," he gave you a serious look. "I only do it for you." Suddenly, it felt like you were the only two people in the world. You could only stare back into his eyes, surprised by his bold response. But a few moments later, he just gave you a smile before offering his hand to you. "Let's go skate now."

"Alright!" You smiled, taking his hand. You had never ice skated before, and he knew that. But maybe it wasn't so different from roller skating. Clinging to the boy, you were following his lead. "Don't let me fall."

Scaramouche smiled mischievously, "I would never..." And before you could comment on his shift in tone, you felt him let go of your hand. Immediately you panicked, losing your footing and falling backwards on the ground.

"YOU BITCH," you shouted as Scaramouche was now laughing uncontrollably. Out of frustration, you kicked the boy's leg, forcing him to fall forwards. Now, he was almost right on top of you. But you didn't even notice how he went silent with his face completely red, as you sat there cackling. "Loser."

"Shut up, idiot." He said, wiping off his clothes before standing up. He was still blushing, now helping you up. When you were finally standing and holding onto his arm tightly, he said, "You're lucky I'm nice, otherwise I would have left you on the ground."

"Pfft, 'nice.'" You laughed, continuing to skate around. Scaramouche rolled his eyes at you playfully while you still struggled to stay up. He firmly took your hand in his, helping you stand correctly. The two of you skated for a while, having conversation about anything and everything before you decided to get some food. You decided to go to a nearby café. When you sat down at your table and ordered your food, you started more conversation.

"I wonder if our school is gonna have a dance some time... Schools still do that, right?" You thought out loud.

"I don't see why not, our school usually does an end-of-the-year dance."

Your eyes lit up, "Ooh, have you ever gone to any with anybody?"

Scaramouche rolled his eyes. "Of course not."

"Aww. What about this year? Do you have someone you wanna go with..?" You smiled. In all honesty, you were hoping he wanted to go with you.

Scaramouche seemed to catch on to you quickly, taking a moment to think about his response, "I guess so... But I don't think they would want to go with me. After all, they have a lot of other, much better options."

"What do you mean?" You frowned. "Who wouldn't want to go with you?! You're so cute—" You stopped yourself, not meaning to say what you just said. You looked at Scaramouche, blushing a bit. There was a hint of satisfaction in his voice now.

"Really, now?" He smirked.

You sighed, shrugging. "Y-Yeah! I'm serious." You laughed a bit. You were sort of nervous, since you've never been the type to give compliments like that.

"Well, in that case..." His smirk widened as he leaned a little closer to you. "Would you wanna go to the dance with me?" You froze up at his words for a second, clearly not expecting them. But at the same time, they made you feel so happy. For a second, you couldn't get any words out. You nodded excitedly before speaking with a wide smile.

"Of course I would!" You leaned a bit closer to him as well. This moment felt so unreal, since you've never experienced this kind of happiness. Before you knew it, you and Scaramouche's lips met in a sweet and meaningful kiss...


(a/n): i bet u guys thought i gave up on thjis fic😼 anyways idk where im going with this atp but ill figure smth out for u guys<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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