-2- Healing -2-

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Hello! Thanks for reading pt 2 :) Things will begin to pick up in this chapter, and we'll try to update sooner then later. Also, this will contain headcannons of mine, and some will be inspired by others! Also, sorry about the low word count, im working on another chapter right now!!! Have a good day / night, -Huginn and Muninn <3


 Mikey stirred from his bed, trying to wipe tired from his eyes. He gave a slight wince, pulling his bandaged hand from his eyes and giving it a shake. He looked around at the beds around him, spotting Leo and Raph sleeping peacefully. He looked at Donnie's cot, noticing no one was present. He reached over, grabbing his mask. Mikey slid off of the bed, softly stepping around the sewer. He stood in silence, listening to the sounds of mechanical whirring. He walked to Donnie's lab, seeing the turtle drilling some pieces of metal together.

 Mikey stood in the doorway, waiting for his brother to finish. The turtle noticed him, flicking up his goggles. ''Yes, Angelo?'' He questioned. ''Um. Can you help me tie my mask, please? Everyone else is asleep.'' He responded in a quiet, raspy voice. Donnie smiled gently, nodding. ''Can you come over here, Angie?'' The turtle nodded vigorously, walking towards him. He handed the orange fabric to Donnatello, closing his eyes. Donnie tied it around his face, patting his shoulder. ''Thank you, Don.'' The purple clad turtle nodded, ''Anything else?''

Mikey paused. ''Can we hang out?'' Donnie sighed softly, ''I'm sorry, Angie, I have a project to get to. If everyone else is asleep, I bet Casey would like to hang out with you.'' Mikey nodded, a bit of disappointment stabbing at the edges of his mind. He stepped out of the lab. ''Bye, don.'' The turtle waved at him, putting his goggles back on and grabbing a torch.

 He walked to the kitchen, spotting Casey practicing his writing. Casey glanced between the notebook and a teaching book Donnie gave him. He looked up at Mikey, smiling. ''Hello, master Michelangelo!'' He stated, setting the books down. ''Do you need anything?'' Mikey thought for a moment. ''Um. Maybe some breakfast-'' ''Breakfast? Okay! I can get you some food!'' He jumped over the couch, scrambling to the kitchen. Mikey watched the teenager run around the kitchen, heating up some food for him.

 ''Thank you, Casey.'' Mikey half-whispered. He sat on a bar-stool, waiting for his food to be done. Casey set down two bowls, dragging one in front of the chair beside mikey. He sat down, gobbling down the food. Mikey gently grabbed the spoon, hand trembling. ''Ech.'' Mikey bit onto the spoon, only a bit of the food spilling onto his plastron. Casey noticed this, grabbing a napkin and handing it to mikey. Mikey gave him a nod of thanks, wiping it from his plastron. 

After Casey finished, he just kind of watched Mikey. Mikey blinked, looking at him, ''Erm.. Would you.. Like something?'' Casey looked back. ''Oh, um, I was just wondering, because I really, really miss my sensei, right?'' Mikey nodded, taking another, shaky bite. ''Do you think.. You could maybe, I don't know, bring him here?'' Mikey choked on his bite, swallowing and coughing into a napkin. ''Bring- Bring him back? As in time travel?'' Casey gave him a thumbs up. ''I want to see him again.'' He paused. ''And you can bring him back, Master Michelangelo!''

''Er- Casey, I don't think-'' ''You can use your mystic hands!'' He jumped up from his seat, making acute hand movements. ''You can bring him to our timeline, and I can see him again, I can finally see him!'' He exclaimed. ''But Casey, my hands-'' ''I can help you! I can like- feed you, and- and do things for you, but you can bring him back!'' Tears pricked at Casey's eyes, hands clenching and unclenching as they sat in an uncomfortable quiet. ''Uhm. Yeah, I.. think I could do that-?'' He breathed out, hands trembling. 

Casey's eyes lit up, happiness making him shake a bit. ''Really? You'd- you'd do that for me?'' Mikey gave a sluggish nod, slowly taking another bite. ''Oh my god. Thank you, thank you so much.'' Casey stuttered, wrapping his arms around Mikey's middle. Mikey tapped his forehead against Casey's temple, not wanting to use his arms. Casey pulled away, jumping off. ''Im- Im gonna go get things ready!'' He called, scrambling away.

 Mikey looked at his food, not wanting to eat any longer. He curled his legs onto his plastron, tucking his head along his arms. It stung to leave his arms in direct contact for so long, but he didn't particularly care. How was he supposed to pull this off? He breathed in a hiss of air, standing and stepping to the couch. He leaned on it, sliding onto the cushions and closing his eyes. He just needed a moment to think about what he had just promised to Casey.

 He tried to relax as he listened to the steps of Casey, not sure what he was even preparing. He smacked his hands onto his face with a hiss of pain, deciding he would try to plot out what he would do. This wouldn't kill him. Maybe he would just.. Take longer to recover. Yeah, that was probably it. He couldn't let Casey down, especially not after how excited he was to see his sensei. There was nothing he could do now except fulfill the request.

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