"A change in a way.." RJ X Y/N

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"Not only is she beautiful.. She's a genius! Leading scientist in her field!" Dom fauns, his eyes glued to the multiple tvs. Fran rolls her eyes at him, muttering before her, "she's not that pretty"

You walked down the stairs, confused as to what all the comotion was. "Uhh.. what is going on right now? Why are we crouded around the tvs like a damn Goddess just emerged out of the skies?" You questioned. Dom sighs dreamily, tilting his head slightly. "A Goddess HAS emerged.."

You stood next to Fran, wanting to see who he was pining over. You're eyes widened. You gasped and chuckled to yourself. "No damn wayy.. she's still alive?" You mutter to Fran. She looks at you confused. "Who is she supposed to be anyways??" You sighed. "Thats not Maryl, or whoever Dominic seems to be falling head over heels for."

She gives you another look. "Then who is she?" You raised your hand and she gasped. You had an oddly large ring upon your finger."YOU AND RJ GOT ENGAGED?!" She squealed. You shook your head rapidly as RJ's eyes widened as he looked towards you. "No, no no no.. not yet, anyways.." He gives you another look.

"That woman.. is my ex wife, Freya." You say, finally letting it out. Fran gasps again, putting her hand over her mouth. "YOU WERE A LESBIAN?!" She squeals once again. You nodded. "I thought you already knew that?" Fran shakes her head, along with everyone else. RJ gives you one more look before getting up and standing beside you. "RJ, Did you know about this?" Fran questions. He shakes his head. "I'm glad somebody had a person as amazing and beautiful before me." He smiled. You smiled and started blushing, turning your head away from him. "Oh stop it, Dear.." He chuckled before walking upstairs and going back to the pizzeria. You sat down in his chair, getting a look from the others. You sat confused, "What's wrong?" Theo stuttered before properly speaking, "Thats RJ's chair.. his SPECIAL chair. He doesn't let ANYONE sit in it." You smirked before running up the stairs and yelling down the stairs to him, "DARLING?!" You shout, his head popping out at the bottom. "What's wrong, babe?!" He yells back. "Can i sit in your chair for a bit please?" You say, hearing the others saying that he won't let you. " Sure, babe! Just no food on it please!" He yells back again. You give him a thumbs up and blow him a kiss. He sends you a thumbs up too before heading out the door. You ran back to the others and sat back down. They were shocked to see you NOT standing up. "What did he say?" Theo spoke cockily. "He said I could, just no food on it." You smirked. His jaw dropped to the floor as he scoffed. "Well, she IS his girlfriend.. i would of guessed she'd be trusted otherwise she wouldn't be with him, would she?" Fran spoke out.

You smiled to yourself as you snuggled down into the chair.

*sorry its so short but i've never done a proper long story before bc im a lazy arse child*

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