Chapter one

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Once upon a time there was a little girl named gabby. Gabby always had a hard time making friends at school. Her only friend was Charlie..... Charlie the unicorn. Charlie wasn't imaginary. At night he would know on gabbys window and take gabby to unicorn land. That place was full of unicorns. Sometime you would see unicorns in a group of like 10 people smoking weed and shit. Charlie is apart of that group. Charlie got drunk that night. Gabby wasn't sure what to do. Charlie wouldn't be able to bring her back home and she has school tomorrow. There was a store at unicorn land. Gabby had 10 dollars in her pocket and she was really hungry to she bought an onion. She loved to eat raw onions. She munched on her onion while walking around trying to find Charlie. "Mmmm this is a really good onion" said gabby. Gabby walked around for 2 hours looking for Charlie when finally she noticed Charlie on top of a building riding his tricycle While listening to gangnam style. Gabby yelled Charlie's name and Charlie turned around and looked her in the eye and chased her with his tricycle. He ended up knocking her off the edge. Luckily there was a net That caught her. Gabby ran off to
Hide. She cried in the Corner when somebody heard her and came to see her. It was a little unicorn named Sammy. Sammy didn't have wings to
Help gabby get home. But she brought gabby to her place and they had an idea. They wanted to get a bunch of giant leaves and make wings to attach to Sammy's back. When they were done, gabby climbed on Sammy's back and tried to attach them. As gabby flapped the giant leaves they were starting to lift off the ground. they were finally able to fly. After 5 mins of being in the sky, the wings broke off because the wind was too strong for such fragile wings. They started to fall. They landed on a trampoline. But there was no trampoline in unicorn land, so that must mean they were home! Gabby was so happy to Be home. She thanked Sammy for helping her. Charlie realized that gabby wasn't in unicorn land. He found out that she went back home. He was mad because she
Went home by herself without an adult. He went to Her house to see her. Gabby was so happy to see him. Charlie didn't seem too excited. Charlie brought a knife with him. "W..why do you have that knife Charlie?" Said gabby. Charlie didn't respond. He came closer and closer to gabby with the knife in his hand. Gabby ran out of her house trying to get away from Charlie. Charlie chased her down the road but this time he had a BB gun. Sammy was still at gabbys outside and she seen gabby getting chased by Charlie so she ran after gabby trying to save her. Sammy didn't have wings but she had super speed and magic powers. She ran beside gabby picking her up and throwing her on her back without stopping. Sammy ran towards Charlie and turned him into a chicken. Gabby kept him as a pet.

2 years later

She had Charlie the chicken for 2 years now. But that night while gabby was sleeping, Charlie turned into an evil chicken and jumped out the window into the dark and gabby never saw him again. Gabby cried the next morning when she found out that Charlie the chicken ran away. She went to the store to buy all the ice cream. Gabby went through 40 different ice creams and got diabetes and died.

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