What Would Stefan Do?

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'My eyes opened. I took a deep breath, and I was relaxed and ready for a new day. But when I sat up, something wasn't right. Something felt... wrong.'


     An ache spread across my temple and intensified into an unbearable fire behind my eyes. But it disappeared as soon as it had started. For some time, I struggled to open my eyes. But I somehow knew before opening my eyes that I would have no idea where I would be. There was this blinding light coming through a window that prevented me from seeing my surroundings, momentarily. 

All I could think about was the pounding in my head. How dry my mouth was, and the burn that ran down my throat whenever I took a deep breath. I lifted myself into a sitting position and massaged my temple, gently trying to ease the headache I was beginning to feel. 

I slowly opened my eyes once again, and from what I could gather from my surroundings, I was definitely in a bedroom... somewhere. I had no idea where the hell I ended up. It was like the more I looked around, the more I finally took in how depressing and gloomy it was in here. It was almost suffocating, really. 

I could just see the dust that coated most of the things in this room. Just from one look, I assumed that no one had been in the room for years.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the sound of heavy breathing and loud footsteps was the only noise that caught my attention, it was all that could be heard, but it didn't bother me like some other sounds.

The one that almost sounded like it was just there to taunt me. It sounded like it was pretty far away, yet at the same time, it was so close. 

It grew louder and louder with each passing second. It sounded so painfully loud. What was it?

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

I sat there still for a moment until finally decided to get up to check out where that noise was coming from. Opening the door, I was met with stairs that led me into a hallway. I moved through the house, but then I found a kitchen.

All of this walking was suddenly making me extremely thirsty. My throat was burning with anticipation to satisfy my sudden thirst for something to drink. When I turned on the tap to get the water I felt I needed, using my hand to quickly drink as much as I could. I let out a groan as I gripped the counter tightly, I thought it would break. I just stood there in front of the sink with a hard look, staring.

The water was doing nothing for me. I closed my mouth and took a deep breath through my nose. The sound continued to torment me, my teeth were gritted together, and I knew that whatever it was would make me feel a little better if I knew where the fuck that sound was coming from.

I continued doing this for a while, trying to calm myself down. It wasn't long before I finally realized what the sound was. As I moved out into a darker hallway, before I knew it I was suddenly in front of a cellar door confused. I didn't know how I could have possibly gotten here, but there was someone on the other side.

This whole time, the sound had been a beating heart, and the more I listened, I could hear the blood pumping through this person's veins. It made me salivate just thinking about it, but the more I did, the more I realized that this wasn't normal...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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