✦ C H A R A C T E R S + A E S T H E T I C S ✦

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Valeria Rose Vitali

17 years old

University Graduate, Assassin, CEO of AMERIA, Italian-Spanish Mafia Donna, Leader of the Black Diamond Gang

Angelina Marie Rossi ~ Twin to Diana (Older)

Adopted by Donatello and Zione Vitali

Adopted by Donatello and Zione Vitali

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Amelia Everly Vitali

16 years old

University Graduate (Attends High School for fun with Cian sometimes ~ as a Junior), Doctor, Assassin, Italian-Spanish Mafia Second in Command, Works in Black Diamond Gang

Adopted by Donatello and Zione Vitali

Adopted by Donatello and Zione Vitali

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✦ Valeria Vitali | Book 1 of the BROKEN SERIES [ONGOING] ✦Where stories live. Discover now