✦ C H A P T E R - T H R E E ✦

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Happy Reading!

Yours, WQ ❤︎


✦ Valeria Vitali's POV ✦

I woke up to faint noises coming from somewhere. I slowly got up and looked around to find my son soundly sleeping beside me.

I smiled softly at him and pecked his head just like I do every morning.

I yawned softly and got up from bed, I decided to have a nice warm bath before heading downstairs.

As I was picking out clothes I noticed the time was already 11.

Wow, they let me sleep in, I thought to myself.

I shook my head and quickly headed toward the bathroom to finish my daily morning routine.

As I was applying some moisturizer everything that happened yesterday came back to me, the talk, how the Russo's are going to stay here, and what happened after that.

I sighed sadly, it was breaking my heart after seeing all of them. I just wanted to kick them out but I knew I needed to move on, and the only way I could do that was to forgive them and more importantly myself.

I finished my light makeup and started to walk downstairs. I could hear loud chatter around the room as I walked inside.

I spotted lia in the kitchen and I smiled looking at her. She was making something, I guess I will go and help her, I thought to myself.

I swiftly walked towards the kitchen to help her out, I was craving pasta so I decided to make that for lunch seeing that it was almost 11.

We all could just have brunch instead.

As I walked into the kitchen she turned around and gave me a bright smile.

"Are you feeling refreshed now?" she asked softly.

I nodded and walked towards her to get my morning hug, I embraced her tightly as I put my head on her shoulder.

She was rubbing soothing circles on my back and I could feel her breathe softly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

I shook my head indicating I didn't want to, at least not now.

"Alright, wanna help make lunch for all the pigs in the house," she asked as she tried to control her giggle.

"Definitely! Pigs I tell you" I said agreeing with her as I bobbed my head up and down.

We started at each other for a solid second and burst out laughing.

I didn't realize we had an audience until I heard a catch, I quickly sobered up and so did Lia, we had our blank faces again and I turned around to see all the biologicals standing there staring at us like we were some rare artifacts or something.

I ignored their existence completely and turned around so I and my sister could spend some quality time cooking together.

As I was about to start the work on making pasta, someone grabbed me by the arm. To say I was pissed would be an understatement.

Nobody touches me apart from my family and if they do they won't live to see another day.

"Take.Your.Hand.Off.Me" I said in the deadliest and calm voice I could muster up.

✦ Valeria Vitali | Book 1 of the BROKEN SERIES [ONGOING] ✦Where stories live. Discover now