The Meet Up

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So uhh I'm trying do this as perfectly as possible.

Feral says yes Joaquin you are now stop smoking man you are killing me.

Joaquin looks at him smiling what?..

Feral says yes with that smile! Hahaha got you! No but for real stop smoking I don't know eat fruits drink milk once a few days eat some snacks in between and also stop being vegan because them animals kill each other anyways you don't help them they go to Heaven anyways they are born in a wild and nature to be lost in the crowd.

Also all of them have miserable lives like most humans do so which one is better being vegan knowing you don't change their lives or be smoking hurting yourself being more miserable than you already are!

I'd take option C and just say fuck it.

Joaquin can't stop laughing hahahaha I wish I had your optimism maybe I should I don't know I think about no maybe I quit and stop being vegan but I like being vegan though don't I?

Feral says if you do enjoy it and love it truly want it then go ahead you saint! Hahahahaha my gosh Joaquin!

Joaquin laughs blushing hahaha oh Feral why are you just so perfect!

Feral says yes I know well I just am was born that way flawless person individual being from gods a Goddess of gods and also huge comfy super ultra hyper powerful huge massive comfy super pillow said some things twice but whatever lol others say it so well and frequently and so well it comes natural naturally hahahah!

Joaquin keeps laughing hahaha yes I can see why lol..

They look at each other and laugh joyfully genuinely and happily

Feral says hahaha yeah and no seriously stop smoking.

He looks at Joaquin serious

Joaquin stops laughing looks at him trying not to continue laughing okay.. okay I try jeez yes I should I try bro..

Feral says yeah fam I did it it too I know how it feels and is..

All you need is a little push to realise you are just addicted and you are in control not that damn fucking cigarette! Plus also it gets boring and sick and annoying to always smoke that shit ass poison in your lungs and body pfffftt!

God damn it's fine for few years but then you realise fuck this I'm not letting no one control me I'll be free truly you won't control me I'm not addicted to you if I just let go of you I'll be fine because you are a friend! And I'm not the one who is addicted no I'm not your addiction! You are mine bitch!

Joaquin laughs super hard coughs little oh my god I'm dying here you are so fantastic and amazing..


I agree with you..

Feral also smiles and says triggered

Yeah also why the fuck would you want to kill yourself slowly with some stupid shit ass rolled plant trash no trash plant

Also why die like that on disease fucking pointless let yourself out of that shit and die naturally fucking shit fuck sake god damn it if only it wasn't so good during those few years..

I wasn't heavy smoker ever but I did smoke occasionally because depression and sad thought and life and also trying to find yourself and be one with yourself and you body through it all truly.

Joaquin can't stop staring and listening to him..

Feral says so Joaquin I know it's hard but you don't need this shit..

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