This fanfiction is just to filled my hatred over one fanfiction name "The warrior bride" no hate on the writer I just really hate it.. So why not put this shit on fire! (Issei x Asia) (Porn without plot) and also there is gonna be a lot of fanfictio...
Btw I'm using the servant form of Shirou Murasama Tags: there are no tags currently created me tag in the comment
In kitchen of chaldea Murasama or Shirou is cooking something for master, until suddenly he felt someone under the counter it was one of the servant name Shuten douji Currenlty stroking his bitch breaker in full size at 19 inch, Currenlty she is feeding her self with Murasama Essence.. Currenlty looking up at Murasama she quickly slime at him has her dumptruck of an ass Jiggle a bit
"Shuten.. I said you can do that later why now?" Murasama grunted a bit at Shuten has he his almost close to cum "oh nothing much.. why? Can't I have a little taste of your essence Murasama? Shuten giggle a bit "we can a bit more fun at my room..Mmm maybe I can call Ibakari.." has she stroke him faster suddenly a cums start to cum has Murasama grunted, making it fall on shuten douji hand she quickly drink it all up
After feeding master, ibuki douji bring him to his room, going inside the room Shuten douji room, Murasama see and shuten and ibakari showing there dumptruck to Murasama making his dick erect, this make both of them very happy
Has Murasama comes closer he groped both of there ass, his hand touch the doughy flesh they both jiggle on impact "come on Murasama how about you punish this little oni for being naughty" shuten giggle a her comment has before she know it Murasama shove his cock inside of her making an abnormal bulge, there was a clear outline of Murasama bitch breaker inside of her "OoOoo.." Shuten moan out has shirou is sitting down on the bed while jerking off ibakari to make her feel nice at home with his finger "Nngg.." Ibakari moan a bit has Murasama rough hand touch her
Slowly thrusting he see love pupils on shuten eyes while ibakari is almost visible, has he rail shuten pulling on her demon horn has Murasama show absolutely no mercy to her "Auunhgh💓~" has shuten moan she jump up and down has her plump ass bouncing around ibakari make an annoying moan has she didn't get the feeling that her sister is getting Murasama cock.
"No fair.. I want your cock murasama.." she moan a bit has Murasama slap her ass making it jiggle, "just wait you'll get your chance ibakari.." Murasama said stop for a minute to talk to ibakari afterward he suddenly smash his dick inside of shuten pussy again making her eyes rolled up and a anime like ahego has his master would say
"Nnnghh.. how could be this Big.." shuten said "OONNGGHH~" she squirted on his crotch has he shut her up with a kiss "mmmm.." shuten moan in the kiss has Murasama groped her small boobs.. pulling out the kiss there's salvias has he goes rougher.. looking at ibakari she currently pouted in annoyance has she get Murasama strong finger she wanted that cock of his too but shuten is hogging all of it
"Haha.. suck on that ibakari.." has she taunt her sister.. now you wondering how did Murasama dominate both of this oni? Well flashhhbackkk..
[3 Month earlier in Murasama room] After a long day of looping with castoria, Murasama lay down on his bed thinking how does he got to this place of him being summon... then suddenly shuten douji appeared she open Murasama door on his room looking at him showing she want something from him and there is also ibakari behind her
"Have sex with me Murasama" shuten said blankly "I'll consider it.." welp there goes his relaxation time, has he said it "well ok Murasama but I'll ask you again if you" shuten douji tell him, 3 days later, after a lot of annoyance he finally accept
Shuten and Murasama were in there room together has he lay down on the bed, "so this you wanted?" Has shuten slowly pull down her clothes showing her dumptruck, Murasama cock was erect has he bulge outed his pants "fufu~.. looks like a friend wanted to visit me.." has she goes on her knees feeling confident that Murasama dick isn't that large he just a sword maker..
She was wrong.. the scent of Murasama dick hit shuten in the face, her eyes cross and her Oni tongue fall down, has she slowly lick the cock "Mmm..How the fuck can your cock be this big Murasama.." has she said that smacking his dick softly against her cheeks, she slowly feel the club dick "hmm.. I don't shuten probably I've been making a lot of sword.." Murasama answer her, possible he don't know how could his cock get this big but surely shuten doesn't mind it "Mwah.." she left a lipstick mark on his dick calming his dick has her own
"Well.. Murasama I'll make you feel nice.." has she teased him, but in milliseconds Murasama slam his full inch inside of shuten throat making her gags and limps.. but 2 minutes later she then bobs up and down her slimy saliva cover all of Murasama dick has she gotten up it created a loud Pop "mmmhp.. your dick taste so fucking good.." has lust is taking over her, has Murasama look at the new comer who comes in it was ibakari douji.. shuten sister he see her has she squirmed her thighs looking at them has shuten grabbed her and put aside her giggle a bit
Ibakari smell Murasama musk a bit has her eyes roll up has she knock out for a while shuten just shrugged around 4 minutes ibakari awak after a long time (it was just 4 minutes 💀💀) has she wake up looking at the shuten has she being rail by Murasama holding her horn to pound her pussy into the ground "NNNGH! M-MURASAMA PL-PLS BE GENTLE!" Has shuten try to get Murasama to be gentle with her but he didn't listen has he pound her until she can't even walk suddenly Murasama cum inside her without saying a word has she slam into until he look like a couple month pregnant he pull out his dick coated in cum
"Hmm.." he look at ibakari sliming a bit has he come closer to her "look who's awake.." he slap his cock agaisnt ibakari face has she slowly try to what is going on.
(A/N touhou is coming touhou is coming) She slowly gotten up and sit beside shuten has she ready to what come to her, until someone open the door it was Raikou Murasama hide shuten and ibakari has she come into the room surprised "oh my hello Murasama may I ask what you doing in shuten room?" She ask has she come close to him "oh is nothing just some stuff I haven't take care of with her.." Murasama said while trying to get her outed the room "now may you get out I haven't taken care of the stuff yet.." has Raikou gotten out Murasama then see ibakari gotten up by the bed sheets
"You know our time haven't been over yet ibakari.."
(A/N I'm to lazy to do it the rest but., a story is a story) Has time pass after a while ibakari seem to be in the same postion has her sister shuten has she laid on the bed face down and ass up has Murasama was done filling her ass with his essence... is a truly weird way to tame a oni ey?
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(A/N anyway have this Walter white light skin stare has the ending background honestly haven't release this chapter I can tell there so many I mean so many scrapped verison of this chapter but yeah this the end)