Im bored i'll give you the following chapter that is coming out

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Issei x scarlet devil (Touhou gameplay)
Issei x reimu (Shrine maiden sin that for sure)
Issei x Yasaka x Akeno (Kitsune and maiden fight a dragon)
Issei x futa akeno x mind broke rias (Claming what right for the dragon)
Issei x Asuna Bunny (Meeting a little bunny) fully store about them will comes out just wait pls!
Issei x Shuten douji (can a oni really fight a dragon?)
Issei x Futa Succubus Rias (Too bad your dick is small My little succubus...)
Issei x Small Dick Akeno (A shrine maiden try to dominate a dragon.. end very badly)
Issei x Succubus Harem (a full fledged Succubus girl is trying to make a dragon submissive to them)
That is for the dxd fanfiction will add more
Fate Fanfiction lemon for this story
Shirou x Ruler artoria x Lancer artoria alter (can't a casino owner bet on someone that already has been calm!?)
Shirou x Ishtar x Kama (Two goddess is fighting over one guy isn't that weird?)
Shirou x Shuten douji x Ibakari douji (2 oni vs 1 sword maker)
There will be more to story I will update this!

My mind while writing this fanfiction isn't good.. Fate and Highschool dxd lemonWhere stories live. Discover now