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Wednesday paces around her room, talking to her companion, and best friend, Thing. The hand.

"What do I do, Thing?! The girls are coming over any minute, and I'm not prepared." Wednesday says, anxiously. Thing makes a hand movement, and Wednesday sighs. "You're right, Thing. I should just calm dow-"

The doorbell rings.

Wednesday flops onto her bed, and grabs a pillow.

And screams silently.


"Yoooooooouuuuuuu Rrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaannnnnngggggg?"

Lurch answers the door. Enid smiles.

"Hi, Lurch!" She says, happily.

Morticia comes to the door. "Oh, hello girls! You must be here for the Overnight! Well, Wednesday's upstairs. You can go surprise her, if you want to. Her room is the 7th door on the down to the left. Oh, but be careful. Wednesday doesn't really like surprises." Morticia says. "Come in!"

"Thanks Mrs. Addams!" Enid says, and grabs her bags.

"You can call me Morticia, darling." Morticia replies, as she greets the other girls, Bianca, Divina and Yoko.

Enid runs up the stairs to the second level of the enormous house. She forgot which room was Wednesday's. She opens a door. Storage. She opens another door, but on the other side of the hallway. Gah! That was a changing room! She opens another door, three doors down. Hm. Pugsley's room. She opens the door on the other side of the hallway.
"Wednesday!" she says, as she sees her black-haired friend.

"Enid-! Hey! I'm so unprepared..." Wednesday replies. "I've never done this before." Enid puts a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's fine," She says. "At my first sleepover, I forgot snacks. Can you believe it?" Wednesday almost smiles. "At least I didn't forget those."

The other girls come into the room." Wednesday greets them, and grabs their things, and sets them on the bed. 

Enid looks around Wednesday's room. She sees Wednesday's wardrobe, with all sorts of black, collared outfits inside. She sees Wednesday's bed, with a guillotine atop as a headboard. Enid's eyes widened even more as she stared at the sharp object. Wednesday notices her fear. "Don't worry, It's removable." She climbs onto the bed, and unhooks the huge blade. She sticks it behind the bed. She attempts a smile. Enid laughs. She looks cute when she smiles, Enid thought to herself. She pushed the thought out of her brain as the other girls walked into the room.

Later that night, the girls are sitting in a circle in Wednesday's room, trying to communicate with a demon, using the Ouija board.

"Are you with us?" Wednesday asks. The planchette starts moving slowly. The spookiness was soon thrown off, by Wednesday's younger brother, Pugsley, barging into the room, and throwing himself onto Wednesday's bed, yelling "Cannonball!"

"Pugsley," Wednesday exclaimed, almost raising her voice. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were staying over at Parker's house." Pugsley sat up. "Well, I was." he explained. "Until I accidentally got myself kicked out for bringing a mace." Wednesday rolls her eyes. "Well, get out. We're trying to summon something." Pugsley rolls off of the bed, and onto the floor. He crawls out of the room. Bianca gets up and locks the door. "Okay," she says. "No more distractions."

Later, Bianca, Yoko and Divina soon fall asleep. Wednesday lays in her bed, slowly drifting off to sleep...


What the-


Oh. It's only Enid

"Enid?" Wednesday whispers. "Why are you still awake?" Enid shrugs. "I was just about to ask you if YOU were still awake." The two sit in silence, until Enid whispers, almost silently.

"I can't sleep."

Wednesday just closed her eyes. She sat up to face the blonde. She looks deep into her sky blue eyes. Wednesday sighs, and scoots over, to make room for Enid in her bed. "Come here." She says. Enid quietly squeaks, and climbs into Wednesday's bed. Wednesday pulls the covers over both of them. "Go to sleep. Don't make me regret this." Enid nods, and cuddles close to Wednesday. "I love you." She whispers.

Wednesday's eyes shoot open. Her cheeks turn a rosy red colour.

"What did you say?"

Enid repeats herself. "I love you, Wends."

Wednesday almost smiles at the nickname.

"I...I think...I think I love you too...Enie-?" She says, unsure.

Enid cringes. "No, not that one."

Wednesday manages a chuckle. She grabs Enid's hands in hers, and the two fall asleep.

Author's note:

You're welcome >:D

I'll update this soon.

Welp, anyways, gn yall.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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