BUGS! / Best Boyfriend Ever

455 12 16

Neeeeeeext EPISODE!

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"We're leaving, Ku! Hold down the fort, okay? And you too, N/n! We'll be back around nightfall!"

'Right, they're going to a wedding. Someone from Kusuo's dad's work.' Y/n opened the narrative, padding downstairs to the front door.

"I don't understand why Kirishima is having his wedding smack dab in the middle of summer, this heat's unbearable! Honey, don't you agree?" Kuniharu complained.

Kurumi was in his arms. "It's even hotter outside!"

'You guys are hot because you clinging to one another.' Saiki rejoined. 

"Anyway Kusuo, you sure you don't wanna come with us? You've met Kirishima before, right? We could bring Y/n with, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

'Not interested. Sure, in the surface, weddings seem like a happy occasion full of joy. But underneath...'

'It's a hotbed of pity and jealousy. Y'know, a wedding.' Y/n finished.

'I'm not in the mood for any of that.'

"Aw, we'll that's too bad. You know your psychic powers could liven up the reception, those things are stellar."

'My powers aren't for your amusement.'

"Who says stellar these days?"

'Finally, it's quiet.' Saiki announced. 'Maybe we can watch some TV.'

He looked around seeing clothes, papers, and books all over the floor and couches. 'This place is a mess. We'll, I guess I could help with the cleaning now and then.' He started doing chores with his powers.

"Okay! You do that!" Y/n grinned, inching closer to the couch.

'Oh, no way. You're helping.' Saiki raised a hand, using his psychokinesis to pull her closer.

The pair kept doing chores, the latest being separating trash and recyclables.

Y/n grumbled to herself. 'Seriously, how could anyone let a house get this dirty... I mean really, it's a wonder we don't have- BUGS!" She latched onto Saiki with puffed out fur, pointing at a roach.

He froze, then teleported way out to some country town.

'There was a cockroach.' He stated matter-of-factly. 'For the most part, I'm unshakable. But there's one thing I can't stand- Bugs. And it's not because they're gross or anything... okay, well, maybe a little. But the real reason I hate bugs is because I can't predict their movements. When it comes to telepathy, I can communicate with most of the animal kingdom, not just humans. But bugs are so small that I can't read their thoughts. I just can't get inside their little bug brains. And sure, if I use psychokinesis, I could catch them easily, but I don't even want my psychokinesis to touch those icky critters.'

"I can't communicate with them either." Y/n shuddered, letting go of Saiki. "Plus, bugs are horrible. They crawl around and stuff and- ugh! But at least I'm not afraid of all bugs, like butterflies and ladybugs." She teased the psychic.

'I'm not that afraid of those kinds of bugs.' He defended, glaring at her.

'But you admit you're slightly afraid of those bugs?' She smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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