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I looked at my reflection.

"Hey..wanna dance? We should uh you know get out do our thi- Stop." I sighed. this is stupid. I took a deep breath and looked at myself again "I love this song..don't you?" Suddenly I heard a creaking noise from the door making me turn around seeing Fred leaning against it "Yeah, I love it..but not as much as I love you..Georgie" oh no! I run to him "Get out of here!" I slam the door in his face, Embarrassing.

How will I ever ask her to dance? I was stupid enough or well not brave enough to invite her to the Yule ball so now I have to face the consequences of my actions. Merlin what if she just laughs in my face and leaves, I would never recover from that, it would be too much. Fred would just tell me to not worry, it's just a girl and there are manyy more around. But none seem as interesting as her.

Delphini Black.



"So. Which one?" Astoria questioned.

For Salazar's sake I just HAD to be here. I would rather someone use the crucio curse on me tenfold than stay another millisecond in this forsaken place.

The shopping store.

The Yule ball is taking place this weekend and the girls still needed their dress. Everyone needs to look perfect! Or whatever. No one can look perfect, no one IS perfect, so we're just wasting time.

"Just pick that one."

Astoria rolled her eyes, "Please Black you've said that for the last 5 dresses I've tried on."

"5 or 55?" I continued bored.

"HA..funny." She fake laughed and turned back around to face the mirror. "Ugh this isn't it I'm changing-"

"Well you're going to have one less person to help you choose because I'm leaving. I'd say if I stayed here any longer and I'd start to grow white hairs but my hair is already white so no point." I got up grabbing my coat.

"What no wait! You're leaving too pansy? WOW what a friend"

Pansy tugged by my side, "What Astoria? I already got my dress and we've been stuck on you getting yours for the past century. Figure it out."

Astoria pointed at me, "Yes but SHE doesn't even  have a dress yet" I squinted my eyes, "Don't worry about me I've got that handled."i lied, because I don't even know where I would get mine. All I know is that it is for sure not going to be in these shops.

I flicked my hair back, "See you" and closed the shop door behind me.


It was already night time, that damn girl just needed to ruin my day. But she was right I didn't have a dress and I was thinking on making a quick appearance at the ball. I was walking around the castle. Past hours, of course. No better time than this. Empty halls, it's peaceful. No chattering no laughing no mumbling to each others ears about how the other person looked today. All there was, was me. And the sound of my heels clicking against the floor. I twirled my wand in between my fingers.

Suddenly an imaginary light flicked over my head as a brilliant idea came over me.

That secret room! Of course why haven't I thought about that before!

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