Winning game

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Eli pov (the whole chapter)

Did this guy seriously just put me in the middle of a lacrosse match. Then I heard coach started yelling at me to get off and start picking me up and dragging me to the side.

So Scott came got me and we were on about why he put me back but Scott said I have to leave then No out of nowhere that I was smacked by something yn would have laugh if they were here "What the hell is that" I said "Mountain ash" is all Scott said.

"The sun is coming down The oni only comes out at night" " 10,000 people at the stadium What do we supposed to do" I say " hey coach" "coach" "coach hey" Scott and I try to get his attention "No no no no no unacceptable You graduate McCall You're not ruining this for me" he Say's certainly " Coach every person in the stadium is in danger Is there any way to get them out about panicking them  " he says "What happens if I tie up" "Sudden death" "Coach It's gonna be 10,000 deaths If we don't stop this game" then the other team scored "Crap I haven't found Level of disappointment Since I lost my virginity You wanna help with win McCall" He grab a lacrosse stick "here" Is all he says

So me and Scott get changed into lacrosse uniforms I'm 11 he's 13 " 4 minutes whoever Score 1st  wins" he say "number 11 that Used to be my number" Scott say looking at me " do you want it back " "No no it's okay Just if you're gonna Wear my number you better score" "ill try"

So when is the end of the game The ball is past me The guy who doesn't play and in the moment I just throw it and I went in " holy shit Scott Did you see score My dad and yn Was right I actually I'm pretty good blog shit my dad and my Sarcastic lover" I say " This isn't over We need to find the others "

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