|~Chapter 3: On Parole~|

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'The Update on the patient, your student and child.
We have an arm ready and we have an expert coming in to handle the stitches as we don't want to damage their mouth anymore than it hardly is with the sewn mouth.'
The parents finally made it.
Their fathers were horrified, scared and saddened to see their child in the state they were in, in that hospital bed and room.
His father collapsed in a seat next to the Professor, his mind was clouded as he tired to see reason and the Professor tried to keep him calm while his dad was strong his emotions of vengeance and grabbed the cop by the shoulder,"Who did this. . . And why.", "We are still looking into that Sir, we have two suspects that knew their location and failed to report a missing person report in 24h.", they knew kidnappings were happening in this place, why they did worried to send them here but their child convinced them they would be okay.
. . .
"Who are the suspects."
"Two students working with them, on a college paper before they disappeared."


After what felt like weeks, Paige and Marcus were finally set out on Parole.
But. . . As soon as they were let go, things came chasing down for them almost immediately.
Their parents immediately locked them both in their houses, wouldn't look them in eyes or speak to them when they tried to explain but all they saw in their parent's eyes were shame, sadness, anger and disgust.
They were expelled from college and their course credits were taken away.
Their job offers were taken back.
And they couldn't leave their house with reporters, camera people and the locals out there waiting for them to step out of their house and be found guilty.
But they were innocent!
They know it, but once word gets on the media it's hard to change the mind of people especially when there is no evidence.
. . .


That evening Marcus got a call from Paige.
'Marcus. . . I can't take this. . . A week has gone by and everything has fallen apart.'
"I know. . ."
'We need to prove our innocence.'
Marcus fell silent, hearing typing on the other end before it stopped.
'I have the GPS location of the place, if we can sneak in and find the fucker that did this we'll be free of the public eye.'
Marcus nods, looking out his window to see his mom stress smoking in the backyard as she watched the sunset.
. . .
"When do we leave?"
'Tonight; Making sure to wear clothes that won't make you stand out and be sure to have a weapon, especially if we're dealing with a sick fucker.'
Marcus agrees quietly as he hung up on Paige.
Marcus immediately dug through his wardrobe, finding black clothing and his toolbox so he'd have a few choices of weapons.

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