|~Chapter 10: Nick Nack's Task~|

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Nick Nack threw open the door in his section, he was excited by quiet nosies and gitters as he ran around the room-or the Host did.
They closed the door behind them, just in case Mortimer and Riley came in.
"Come, come, come!"
They followed Nick Nack deeper into the room.
Nick Nack walked around the instruments and seemed to be checking each one.
"Now; I know the cat's got your tongue so  here's what I wish for you to do!"
Nick Nack rested his wooden hand on the shoulder of the human.
"If you can play our theme then I shall let you have the location of Father's spell book, I wish to hear our theme once more after so long."
Aw, the poor guy missed his-
"But if you mess up three times, I shall give you to Mortimer!"
And there it is.
They looked through the instruments, what could he play the theme on?
Piano, flute, recorder, cello, violin, trumpet, xylophone, triangle and drums.
. . .
They use to play an instrument as a hobby and that was the cello as a way of therapy and to break off steam from college.
So they pointed to the cello,"Okie-Doki!", so they picked up the cello and brought to a chair and Nick Nack turned on the projector and on screen appeared the theme and how to play it on the cello.
"Play along with the song!"
They tuned the cello first, making sure it lined with what the theme that is needed.
"Ready to begin this masterpiece?"
After getting comfortable, putting his fingers on the strings and nods that he was ready.
And so Nick Nack hit the jukebox and music began.


"So let me get this straight darlin'."
Daisy threw another knife at a wall,"You want to stop Mortimer and Riley, so you want me to betray them and help ya find that fancy dancy book?", Scout nods,"Yeah! Look Daisy, I know you and Nick Nack were probably the only puppets that actually cared about Owen!", Daisy titled her head, picking up another knife,"Well yes, but my danger side prevented me from caring for Father, hence why I must be calm unless someone is wishing to mess with me.", Scout shuddered, new note and that's not to mess with this crazy bitch of a Baker.
The air then filled with the sound of a cello.
"Is that a cello?"
"Nick Nack most likely, though this sounds like our theme song and Nick Nack always couldn't remember the second verse and he doesn't play a cello."
. . .
They both got curious and left to check it out.


They peaked into Nick Nack's section, inside they saw Nick Nack listening to the human playing the cello and it was their old theme song.
The human was focused, he had two flip ups but not a third time as he was on the third and final verse of the song.
. . .
The song ended and Nick Nack clapped,"Oh how I remember father play our theme on so many instruments to find the best suited! Oh how perfect your cello rang through my halls!", Nick Nack clapped and was gittery as heck, human put down the cello carefully.
"Now that I have a recording, I shall gladly show you were Mortimer hid the book you seek!"
Oh thank-
They turned and Daisy and Scout entered,"Nick Nack, you're back?", "You given them that book?", he nods,"Yes, yes! They agreed they would do something for me and exchange I'd give them something in return!", Daisy nods,"I guess that's a fair deal. Though you know Mortimer ain't going to be too happy if that book goes.", Scout turned to her,"But we need to stop him, if we do you guys won't be yelled out or beaten by them again.", Nick Nack and Daisy looked at one another.
"Right this way human!"
Nick Nack pushed the human out and the other two followed him.

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