life sucks so motherfucking much

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Hey my favorite homosexuals (and others). It is I,  your favorite Wattpad person back again. I have gotten a new phone and today is my first update in over a year on my phone. I will be doing daily updates again but first there are few things I want to point out.

I have been struggling lately because of a few things that have happened. I'm being bullied by this one girl named Serenity, she pressured my friend to break of our friendship, I'm happy about that one tho because that friend was very toxic and bad for my mental/emotional health, I have been receiving mean comments because of my sexuality, and I'm scared to start going by they/them pronouns. Wattpad has helped me a lot and I'm happy to say, I'M BACK.

Me ranting because life fucking sucks.Where stories live. Discover now