Chapter 3

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My hearing is getting worse everyday and sometimes I hear drumming in my ears and I start to panic. Every day day I feel as if I am being tortured by have someone hold my hearing right in front of me and I can never catch it and get it back. I don't know how I will ever be able to live this way. If only I told my mom that My throat was hurting when it started. Then the doctors would have been able to help me and I would not be losing my hearing now. But no I had to be stupid and not tell anyone thinking it was going to go away. The signing lessons are getting harder too, not being able to hear what each sign means, having to read almost everything. I can't live like this, what will it be like when I lose my hearing for good. Will I be treated like those kindergarteners, or a disabled. I can see it, everyone talking right in front of me about me I will not no unless I can learn to read lips which is impossible.

I'm just a little differ and yet It pains me to see some of my old friends turn their back on me just because I am unique and not like them. They have no idea how many nights I go home and cry from of the bullying. it makes me feel so small, but one day I will be greater than everyone else and they would wish that they never treated me this badly.

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