Yn was working at the office when Jk bumped into her.
He said, "Watch out!! Also, evening remembers that."
Yn said, "Jk. I am sorry !!"
And Jk left.
Soon yn went to her cabin and called a person termed Harry Potter on the contact list.
(on call)
Harry Potter:hey
Yn: potter, Jk came to know about Minho.
Harry Potter:What?? how is that possible?
Yn: Are you on duty?
Harry Potter:Nahh today it is off! But from where the hell he knows? Jihun?
Yn:yes, that guy told him (she explained the whole story in detail)
Harry potter: that bitch. Also, regarding the video you told me about, was it him again?
Yn:yup, it was him he is the one who created all mess but Jk doesn't believe me also he told me to resign otherwise he will hand me over to the police. I am scared, Potter, what if everything starts from zero once again? I can't handle that.
Harry potter: Relax noona. Everything can be handled. Just be calm and patient and don't get scared. You are strong, you faced so much, and it's time to face this too. You can't let him win once again. One mistake and everything is over so calm yourself down.
Yn: hm, I will try. I am thinking of resigning.
Harry Potter: no need for that. If you will, one step will automatically get cleared for Jihun. You can't let him do that. Also, it is not your fault. then why leave? Don't do that noona.
Yn:potter, what if police !!
Harry Potter: I will handle that. Don't worry about that. Take care of yourself. You should stop thinking much noona otherwise it will lead to the worst case. Also, don't do anything foolish in anger or frustration. Everything is temporary, it will not stop here.
Yn:yeah let me think.
Harry potter:Good !! Think wisely. Till them byee
Yn:you take care too. byee
(Call ends)
She then went back to work and she was handling issues with Jhope.
Jhope said, "Why did you do this Jk ?"
She said, "You guys have misunderstood. There is nothing between me and Jihun. "
Jhope said, "Nothing, then was it all rubbish things that Jihun spoke "
She said, "Yes"
Jhope said, "if it is a misunderstanding that would be great because if you hurt Jk, You will hurt the whole BTS and I don't know about others but I will not go easy on you. "
She said. "Oppa, please "
And Jk came he asked " Why are you still here? not resigning?"
Jhope asked, "Resign?"
Yn said "no I am not "
Jk said, " It's 4 till 5 I am giving you time otherwise I will call the police!!"
Yn said, "Don't!! I am not resigning, you can do whatever you want. "
Fine, he said.
Yn left.
Jhope asked Jk about what was going on and he told Jhope that she murdered someone and that guy was innocent.
Jhope was too stunned to speak and jk said, "I know it's shocking, I was more shocked for me too, I still can't believe that this is true but she accepted it by her saying she killed someone by shooting. "
Jhope said, "I can't believe this, she has double faces. "
True that Jk said.

Trust Me
FanfictionIt is a story about a girl who is suffering due to certain reasons and meets some people in her life (BTS) which as such be the turning point of her life and that how the story begins