Chapter 3

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(this book is mainly gonna be jades pov)

jades pov:

"ugh principal eikner! you have to let me do this song at lunch! sinjin already said he would help me set up if it was needed. please this song is really important to me!" i said, practically begging him to let me do it today. i need tori to hear this song, sooner than later.

"tell you what.. if you can get everything set up in time then you can do it. but do NOT come crying to me nor sikowitz for help." he strictly said. "thank you principal eikner. you have no idea how much this means to me!"

getting this done with sinin and burf will be a piece of cake, they know better than to mess up. they pee themselves just at the thought of what i would do to them if they messed this up for me. we just need to start now. we need to get this completely set up. and it HAS to be by lunch, no sooner, no later.


it only took us about an hour to set the whole thing up. i was so happy i could die. just then i saw tori walking to the table at the asphalt cafe

"quick! get ready here she comes"

i walk towards the mic and start speaking.

"uh- tori" i said calmly into the mic. she looked up at the stage and stared at me with a confused look. "this is me making it up to you, with a song i wrote called you & me"

as the music starts playing i cant help but look into her eyes while i sing.

"i didn't mean to hurt you.. so why'd i let you walk out the door"

"you say that you don't know me.. you don't know who i am anymore."

she was looking up at me, smiling. i couldn't help but smile back.

"but if you knew the truth then"
"then you wouldn't feel insecure"

"cuz if i didn't have you."
"i wouldn't have nothing at all"

she started to get up, i was worried she was gonna walk away... but she walked closer to the stage.

"i wish you could see yourself through my eyes"
"i always forget that you can't read my mind"

she was smiling, and clapping along to the music. and for some reason my heart started racing.

"as long as i have you and me moving through this world as a 2 man team"
"i'll always have everything i need"
"you don't even realize what you mean"
"no one could fall for you, quite like me"

she started to look like she was crying, but happy tears.

"no one could get me so perfectly"
"you don't even realize."
"cuz i want, you and me, you and me"

and with that, the song was finished. tori raced up on stage and pulled me into a hug. i sorta paused for a second but soon returned the hug. my smile reaching my cheeks. she pulled away from the hug and looked into my eyes for what felt like hours. in that moment, it felt like it was just me and tori. like all the other people didn't matter. i just wanted tori.

"that was beautiful jadelynn west." she said, tears forming. "so you forgive me?" i asked cautiously. "absolutely." she smiled before hugging me again.

i'm so happy she forgives me, but somethings missing.

it's been a full week since i sung Tori that song at lunch. she didn't catch on to the fact i like her. and it's killing me. i mean seriously!! listen to the lyrics. is it that hard to understand that i'm absolutely head over heals for you?! ugh. now i'll never get to tell her how i feel. but i know i won't, so i'm just gonna have to mask it and play it out like i still hate her.

we're in sikowitz's class right now. and he seems to have noticed i've been deep in thought as he yells my name, waking me from my trance.

"jade!!" man i'm so tired of him interrupting me every time i'm deep in thought! "yes?" i ask nicely. i have too much on my mind to be rude to people right now. i need to find out how to make tori realized i'm in lov- that i like her. yeah, i just like her.

"the class is being assigned to do a short film. pick a partner" he says putting a worn out hat in front of my face. i reach my hand in the box and pick out a paper. tori vega.

"ughhh tori we're partners." i had to act annoyed. but in reality, im really happy. it means more time with tori. "y'know jade.. after that song you wrote about me. i thought we had become friends?" she said, hurt in her eyes but it was quickly wiped away with a bored look. "well, think again, vega." i said in a bored voice. wow jade, maybe this is why she doesn't know you like her! ur so damn rude!

tori looked away from me, her eyes looking down at her shoes. "look vega, we'll make this work. i'll try not to be such a gank when we rehearse alright?" i said, still sounding like a bitch. but i don't care. "or you could just not be a gank at all, thanks." she said. she honestly sounded angry, which made me feel bad. i mean, she's been trying to be my friend since the first day. i just keep pushing her away. even though i know i like her. i just can't help it. i don't like opening up to people.

but hey, maybe all this alone time will help us become closer. who knows. all i know is i wanna go home and this school day is taking

stay tuned!!!

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