Someone she likes?

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It's been 1 month since we hang out together and it's almost Christmas... Well I don't believe that she would hang out with someone like me... Also she's been weird lately... I don't know why but when ever I go near her she starts stuttering and hide her face immediately... Am I really that unlikable person...? No no.. That's not...

"Sigh... " As I sighed softly... I noticed something on the table...

Yes we are at home because of winter break...also a reason... But another reason is I don't want to go school because of that stupid rumors...

(Well reality Huh...).

As I watch closely on the table there was a phone with someone's picture.. On it...

It's asuna's phone right.... So it's bad manners... But you know we boys are always like that.... And that is curiousity to know...

(Iam sorry asuna.....)

I apologize in my heart and take her phone in my hand to watch the picture closely.. She is in shower so that's fine... Right..?

When I saw... There's a boy in her phone... And that was....

Huh is he a yukima senpai..?

I remember he's the baseball team captain in our school... All the girls in our school talking about him.. Even some boys too...

But why she have a photo of him in her phone...

Maybe she likes him...?

Well that's normal for a girl to like that kind of a handsome boy...

But.. Why my chest feel weird...?

Suddenly I heard the door clicked opening..... I quickly place the phone were it was before and sat on the sofa like nothing happens...

As she came out from the bathroom.. Her hair is shining... And a loose hoodie... With some wetness on it... Bare legs with shorts pants... Her leg is long and beautiful... It's just like goddess on earth...

She's like everyone men's dreams...

But as I keep staring at her like idiot...
She also cover her body with a faint blush in her face and said in a low voice....

"Quit staring you perv... "

"Ahh... Iam sorry.. I didn't mean like that... I just... Sorry... "

I just choose to apologize in the end...

"Well it's ok you are a boy after all"

What?... What's with that shy tone... She didn't scold me..?

I wonder what's with her...?

"Umm... Ahh.. Here it is..."

She said that when she saw her phone on the table..

I was like stone on the road.. Didn't notice...

But than her expression change... Like a serious one...

Did she found out..?

"Hey!" When she call me out like that I got shivers...

(Be positive kazuto she doesn't know)

I was just giving my self confidence on the sofa that iam safe it's ok....

"How is it my phone got locked ? As I remember I forgot to lock my phone"...

(Ahhhh..... She found out)....

(Think think kazuto you have to save yourself)....

"Umm I don't know maybe you forget to unlock and accidentally locked it by yourself "...

I was sweating in the month of December... Im on the verge of death.. If she found out...

"Ohh is that so? Hmm may be you are right"...

(Phew she actually fell for it)...

"Jaa iam going to my room than.."

She said and make her move to her room... And closed the door...

Haaa... Iam safe... But is she really like that guy....

"It's good to be a popular I guess..."

Asuna pov...

As I closed the door and collapsed on my bed burried my face in my pink bear pillow..

I looked up on my phone... Watch it the picture in my phone...

"Liar I knew he watch this picture... "

I don't know  how I feel about the boy in this picture... But fist I thought I like him.. When ever I go near yukima.. Iam just happy... It's like same with friends..

I actually take.. That picture 4 months ago... I thought I like him...

But when i go near him I don't feel anything... I don't get the warm feeling..
I don't get the tingling in my whole body... I don't get the relaxation... I don't get.... Why my heart dont act the same when im with senpai..


am just to stubborn to admit it..

All this time i thought iam in love with yukima senpai.. But that's just my imagination of make a friend my lover...

I realized I just see him as a good friend...

He's kind with every one at school and that's why every girl in the school mistakes his kindness into a love... And I was the same before...

I don't call this true love....

But I feel this feeling in someone else's..

Before I knew it I fell for him...

All the time... Since when we were kids... I always shy to him.. I just can't use to boys when I was little... And you are the first one... Who wants to play with... But I rejected it with my shyness... And it's not like I hate you back than... I realized I wanted you all this time... That's why I can't played with you and I regret it now... I cursed my self... Why iam like that.... Why I rejected him ... Why with the person I love....up until now...

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As I cried... Face still  buried in my pillow
I remember the moment's I spend with him.... My first date with him and that hug.... I really am in love with him all this time.... And I can't even confess to him... I am scared may be he hated me all this time... He reject me if .... Ugh... Waaa...

I busrt into tears with a muffled voice so it can't go through outside...

After crying for an half and hour... I finally calm my self... Started to do my wet hair dry with hairdryer...

But I can't stop thinking.. About him...

Ohh kazuto... Plzz stop coming to my mind I can't take it...

I really love kazuto...

To be continue....

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