Fifty Eight

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Novak was no ordinary brother-wolf. As the right-hand of the Alpha, he wasn't free to roam this far from pack territory on his own will. And if I were to send an army , Saoirse recalled the Alpha's words, which brothers would you choose to be on the front lines? It was no coincidence.

Saoirse hesitated to admit it, "the Beta."

"The beta," An impatient Mutesi hummed in sick pleasure. "He certainly knows you."

Cobra had kicked the beds of his knees into the ground and tied him around a fragile larch. The sisters didn't need prisons made of steel to keep their prey at bay.

Winter threatened to breach over the horizon with a batch of snow clouds slowly drifting in. Armor strung along the tree branches rattled in the fierce winds, teeth chiming as they clashed against one another of tightly wound twine. Saoirse knew the surprise in Novak's wide eyes was due to the ghost of a girl standing far behind her, somewhere in the crowd she had not yet been brave enough to turn around and face.

"We feast tonight, sisters!" Mutesi addressed the tribe loudly. "It seems the Witch has granted us with a buffet of men! Grab your weapons and –" She paused mid-sentence, the silent stillness of the forest finally jostling her excitement to the side. Swiveling on her bare feet, she looked stunned to find her companions lethargic and hunched over. "What's the matter with you all? Get up!"

"Oh, I don't feel so good." Soft whispers began to fade in the winds. "I'm dizzy, Tes, something isn't right."

Saoirse watched Mutesi very closely. Their leader was growing less confident in her role as she realized the condition of her warriors, the energy once absorbing her body now naked without their protection. Seconds passed like years as Saoirse observed every twitching muscle on her face, as every gear turned in her brain and evil eyes finally settling on Novak.

"You boys think you can outsmart me, huh?" She spat as she suddenly stepped forward, capturing Novak's stare once again. "It will only take me seconds to turn you into a trophy!"

Saoirse felt the breeze of a ghost behind her back, paling as Mutesi reached out and grabbed Novak's jaw in her meaty fingers. Wolfish nails emerged upon contact and squeezed until Novak cried out in blood. Crunch. A sickness plummeted in Saoirse's stomach. In a matter of minutes, the rest of her brothers would stand before them. She had the power to change Novak's fate right now, only if she stepped in to stop Mutesi's torture.

Novak's freshly broken jaw fell limp from her hands as she let go, glancing at the sisters behind the beta. "Ner? How do you feel?"

"Light-headed. I just need some water." Neroli answered, but Saoirse's eyes were glued to Cobra's. The sister had been watching her in return for the entire ordeal. She looks rather healthy for a poisoned wolf, Saoirse knew not every sister could be poisoned by the water. Those far in the distance on border patrol were as healthy and strong as ever.

"Water!" Mutesi instantly set her milky orb on Saoirse in the middle, stepping right into her space. She tried not to gulp with fear, frozen in time as she held her breath and calmed her heart rate. "Hey water-girl, where did you go today?"

"Up river," Saoirse answered as truthfully as she could, voice quivering over the chilly air.

"The purist of water flows down stream" Mutesi grit her teeth as she began to circle Saoirse. "Do you have something you want to confess,  sister? Something you might feel guilty for?"

"I was instructed by Axa." Saoirse  lied calmly, as Axataria was nowhere near to deny it. She reminded herself that she had nothing to hide, not really. She had no part in the Alphas spectacle of a show. "She chased me up the cliff, I thought she was just doing as she always does."

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